Chapter 20-Date(1)

Asher was taking a shower with a silly smile on his face, he was grinning like a fool, 'Tomorrow is my date with Sakura hehe~' he then started singing while dancing slightly,

{You're the light, you're the night

You're the color of my blood

You're the cure, you're the pain

You're the only thing I wanna touch

Never knew that it could mean so much, so much

You're the fear, I don't care

'Cause I've never been so high

Follow me through the dark

Let me take you past our satellites

You can see the world you brought to life, to life

So love me like you do, lo-lo-love me like you do

Love me like you do, lo-lo-love me like you do

Touch me like you do, to-to-touch me like you do

What are you waiting for?

Fading in, fading out

On the edge of paradise

Every inch of your skin, is a Holy Grail I've gotta find

Only you can set my heart on fire, on fire

Yeah, I'll let you set the pace

'Cause I'm not thinking straight

My head's spinning around, I can't see clear no more

Oh, what are you waiting for?




Asher completed his shower with a happy mood and then went downstairs as he slid on the railing.

Kageyama and Shizune looked at him with different reactions as Kageyama thought, 'Well, my son has entered the lovestruck circle, welcome son hehe~'

While Shizune melancholy looked at her son and thought, 'Oh my son has fallen in love with a woman, I will personally judge her if she is worthy or not because nowadays all girls are snobs and sl*ts, only a few good girls are remaining. hmph! I will see who dares to threaten my position in my son's heart.'

Asher did not even noticed his parent's gazes as he was in his own world with like lovesick fool.

Kageyama then said while shaking his said, "Ashy you have fallen too hard..."

Then Asher looked at his father and teasingly said, "Oh, look who is saying the person who can't even sleep without his woman properly."

Kageyama's mouth was wide open and he turned red due to embarrassment, he then coughed twice to remove awkward atmosphere, 'I have to maintain my dignity as the head of house.'

Shizune seemed to have noticed what he was thinking and then she snorted as she said, "Hmph! you will sleep on sofa tonight."

Kageyama understood that he had been found out and then f****d off his dignity as he lowered his head and looked with puppy dogs to Shizune and was about to beg when suddenly a comment was passed onto him.

Asher snickered and said, "Creepy"

Kageyama almost fell down on the floor, now shizune looked at him pity and then she stepped up to stop his son from bullying him, "Husband let's go, you don't need to embarrass yourself more, your dear wife will take care of you."

Kageyama suffered another blow from his wife and fell down, then Shizune and Asher couldn't control anymore as they started laughing, "Hahah~~"

Kageyama was irritated and then he stomped his feet and walked out of the room, then Shizune looked at her son and said, "I will be going to see him, when you guys have settled somethings then bring her to meet us. And be careful my son, there are many cruel and snobbish girls out there who just pretend to be innocent and pure and then they only come for money."

Asher felt warmth due to his mother's concern and then nodded as he said, "Don't worry mother, believe in your son's choice."

Shizune then hugged him and said, "I believe you my son" then she bid goodnight to Asher and went to see her old man baby.

Asher then went to his room and sat down as he started thinking, 'Hmm, at first i should take her to Amusement park? nah boring and outdated then? I will take her to eat Yakiniku and offal later but first where to take her, hmm? lets take her to that place, yep she is daring and likes adventures and it would also be new and natural.'

Asher then formulated the plan and sent a message to Sakura,

ASHER: *squinted eyes* Don't forget that tomorrow is our date while reading novels.

After 5-6 minutes a reply came

SAKURA: *O-shaped mouth* Oh my looks like someone is excited for tomorrow's date, you distracted me while I was reading my novel

ASHER: *drawing circles in corner* here, i thought you will be excited to go to date. And which novel you are reading, due to which you are ignoring the world's most handsome man.

SAKURA: *patting the head* there there no need to be sad, of course i am excited and happy for my first date ever. *rolling eyes* hmph! narcissist, I am reading about how a person got a chance to be reincarnated into the world of his love.

The phone fell from asher's hand as he thought, 'f**k why Sakura is giving heart attack to me. Who is the f****g author.'

Sakura then messaged again when she was not receiving a reply

SAKURA: *concerned face* what happened Asher?

Asher felt warmth at her concern but what could he tell her, 'that the ML has same story as me?' then he shook his head and messaged,

ASHER: *smiling like fool* Just thinking about nice places to take you to hehe~

SAKURA: *blushing* I will be anticipating.

ASHER: Good night Sakura, dream of me hehe~~

SAKURA: Good night Asher, sure....

Asher went blank as he turned red slightly and thought, 'f**k she always deals a blow at the end, how the heck could i expect that she will say she would dream of me.'

(In Sakura's home)

Sakura was lying on the bed with smug smile as she was thinking, 'hmph~you think only you can tease me, when he said thinking about nice places to visit with me, I was red like like tomato hmpf! i can bet that he is blushing hehe~~'

Then she drifted to sleep as she tightly hug the teddy bear, 'I will be going on my first date Asher~' she was blushing upto her neck and then drifted to sleep with a silly smile on her face.

(In Asher's home)

[POV Asher]

Asher woke up at the same time and did his training, today he didn't invited Sakura for training although he was tempted but decided not to.

Then he went to his room and changed his clothes, he was now 188 cm almost at same height with his father, he wore his mask and then went to A.S.H headquarters for work, he came to his office as all the employees bowed in greeting.

He then summoned the head of hospital, a man in 40s came as he bowed, "Boss, were you looking for me?"

Asher looked at him and said coldly but there was tint of warmth, "I want you to find patient named Sakura Yamauchi and shift her to this hospital and make her shift into the CEO's specials room, if she asks what's the reason then say that we have to research on the disease for making the cure. Also, if they refuses then write a document ensuring that no harm will be done to patient."

The man was startles as he thought dumbfounded, 'Oh my god who is this person, CEO's specials rooms are only one in each industry with highest level of security, confidentiality, hospitality and services. Not even the president of a country can take the room without permission of CEO Ash.'

The man then recomposed himself and said firmly, "It will be done sir."

Asher just said, "Ok, you may leave."

Then Asher worked his a** off as he completed the whole work, he glanced at his wrist watch and found that it his already 12, then he stood up from his seat and left the office silently giving explanations to his assisstant.

Asher then removed his mask and drove to a flower shop, he then looked at the old granny and said, "Granny how much for these red and white roses?"

Granny looked at him and smiled warmly as she said, "Oh you again son? looks like the girl is something, it will 20 for red and 50 for white."

Asher smiled and paid for the flowers and then drove back to the mansion.

He thought, 'Lets get ready for date....'


{A/N: End##}