Chapter 22-Date(3)-Shocked

In front of Sakura, is an otherworldly landscape, it was surrounded by tall lush green trees with beautiful flowers covering it, soft grass acting as a soft carpet.

In middle there was a serene lake with crystal clear water, sunlight was reflecting from the water, birds were chirping, squirrels were running here and there.

The air was so fresh that after taking a deep breath she was feeling like all her ailments were healed and she was feeling light, her mind was calm, then she turned her head sideways to look at the man who has brought her to this etheral place.

She looked at Asher and went into daze, Asher was also looking at her entire time, seeing her happy and calm filled his heart with pride and accomplishment.

He was looking at her with gentle gaze filled with affection only for her, Sakura was lost in his emerald eyes, she bit her lower lips to control herself.

They both knew what they wanted to do right at this moment, Asher snaked his arm around her waist and pulled her towards himself, he lowered his head towards her.

Sakura knew what he wanted to do and she herself wanted him to kiss her right now, she closed her eyes waiting for his lips.

Then Sakura felt his soft and thin lips on her plump lips, it was a gentle kiss with no lust, demand, aggressiveness, he just gently nibbled her lower lip first, Sakura unconciously brought her arms around his neck and held fistful of his soft and silky hair.

She also began to respond slopily, she tried to suck his lower lip, but then Asher bit her lower lip which made Sakura to escape a low moan "ahh~"

This low moan brought destruction in calm and gentle kiss of Asher as he started kissing her hungrily, due to his force Sakura tried to speak, "ahh~ slow-ly Ash-er"

Seeing her light retortment towards his kiss onlt made his blood boil more, as he started to lose himself in feelings, Sakura fell down on the grass, as Asher was on top of her.

He held her neck and kissed her ferociously, just as her mouth parted a little, he slipped his tongue into her small mouth, "hmm~" Asher found her tongue and entagled with his own, he moved her tongue out of her mouth and sucked on it.

They exchanged salivas as their tongues danced, Sakura also tried to respond as she tried to suck on his slick tongue which made Asher *groan*.

They both parted their lips as a silver bridge formed in between, they both panted heavily and tried to catch their breaths, when Asher looked at her face, blood gushed at his lower body.

Her face was covered in disheveled hair, her eyes were blurry, her cheeks were red, her lips were shining and swollen, Asher gulped his saliva to calm himself down or else he would regret later if he did not calm him down.

He buried his face into the crook of her neck and inhaled her sweet scent hungrily he said in a hoarse voice, "Lets stay like this for a while"

Sakura was not in her right mind now and just hummed in response, they both stayed like this for a while feeling each other's scent and warmth.

After a while Asher stood up and brought his hand gesturing Sakura to stand up, Sakura was still blushing at his aggressiveness but she was also feeling content and praised his thoughtfulness as her did not went overboard.

She held his hand with a small smile and then stood up with him. Asher then tucked few strands of hair behind her ear and said in a gentle voice, "Let's stay here and explore while taking some photos and enjoy the nature."

Sakura beamed a smile and said excitedly, "Yes! lets go" Asher just smiled and took her hand, Sakura smiled at him as they intertwined their fingers and began walking slowly.

They both were silently walking, enjoying the silence and serenity.

Asher remembered that he bought the flowers but left it in his bike, he cursed himself as he was lost in their first kiss that he forgot about them.

Asher then took her towards the lake and said, "Sakura stand near the shore of lake, i will take a photo of you."

Sakura smiled happily and said, "Okay after that i will take your photo."

Asher nodded and said, "Yep and then we will take selfies."

Sakura just smiled and went towards the shore, she looked towards the lake while Asher took her photos with side angle, front, back, etc.

After that Sakura took some of this photos.

Then Asher said, "Wait a minute Sakura." as he said this, he went towards flowers and pluck few of them, after plucking them he went towards Sakura and fixed in around her ear.

Sakura was feeling giddy and happy at his small gestures which melts her heart. She had forgotten about her ailment and has decided to be happy as long as she is alive.

Sakura was brought back from her thoughts when Asher said, "Now let's take selfies."

Then Asher moved his head towards Sakura as she was holding the camera in her hands, just as when Sakura was about to click the photo, Asher moved his head and placed his lips on her cheeks, and like that the photo was captured in which Sakura was smiling and Asher was giving a peck on her cheeks.

Sakura at the photo and smacked on his shoulder, "hmph~you are becoming naughtier asher."

Asher touched his nose and laughed, "hehe~only for you Sakura"

Sakura moved her head to hide her blushing face from him, after sometime she calmed down and looked towards the lake and sun with a dazed expression, seeing her expression Asher smiled contently and snapped a photo as her clothes were fluttering due to wind.

Asher hugged her from the back as he encircled his arms around her waist, he rested his chin on her shoulders.

This time Sakura neither blushed nor put up any resistance but rather leaned her head on him as she held his arms on her waist and said with a light tone, "Just how small and beautiful life is."

Asher knew her feelings and pain as he said, "But if you spend no matter how small the time with the person you love then it is like spending a millenia."

Sakura smiled and hummed in response as she continue, "Yeah, I don't know what will happen in future but i have decided to live my life happily no matter how small it is."

Then she turned around and looked into his emerald eyes with her amber-brown eyes, his gaze was full caring and affection for her.

She took a deep breath and said seriously, "I have something to tell you Asher, hearing it you may leave me-"

Asher cut her off and said with determination and seriousness and with slight anger, "I will never leave you Sakura."

Sakura just smiled and said, "I have pancreatic cancer and i have only a year or two to live."

Hearing it Asher just looked into her eyes, Sakura was surprised at it and said, "You don't look surprised huh?"

Asher said bluntly, "I knew"

Sakura stumbled as her eyes widened in shock at the revelation, "W-WHAT YOU K-KNEW?"

Asher said, "Yep i have known it for a few months and you don't need to worry about it, I will never let you die" 'never ever, this is my chance' he added in his mind

Sakura was shocked and asked in bewilderment, "How did you knew and why?"

Asher looked at her and started explaining her...


{A/N: in next chapter more revelations will be done hehe~}