Chapter 33-Meeting the protagonist?

Two days has past since the kidnapping incident and Asher decided to release all the evidence against Takahiro to media, he silently released all the information and the media exploded on the news, the other days many headlines came,




This all tarnished the reputation of glyph industries greatly.

(In House of Takahiro)

The glasses, vases and everything was thrown here and there, a middle-aged man was gritting his teeth and yelling at a worker, "What? You don't even know to make tea? B*tches"

The worker was standing there head lowered as the man slapped her and kicked her out of the room, after that he gritted his teeth and called a number, "Where is my b****d son? Who dared to leak the information? What are you guys doing?" he was fuming in anger.

The man just said, "Sir, your son is missing as we are unable to track him down, we don't know who leaked the information as all things have been held highly confidential."

The middle-aged man threw the phone and then walked over to closet and brought wine as he chugged down the bottle while thinking, 'Where my f****r son is? I told him to do these things without anyone noticing it. And who the f****r was to leak the information.'

(In school library)

Asher and Sakura was sitting on table side by side while talking in low voice, after sometime of fun talking, Sakura turned serious as Asher straightened his back as he rarely sees her in this serious mode.

Sakura looked at him and solemnly asked, "Who was the person behind my kidnapping Asher? Acc. to my observations, it was senior Takahiro."

Asher was taken aback as he was not expecting her to ask it, but then he decided to tell her, "Yeah, he was the one, I-I tortured h-him."

Asher then felt his heart sped because he did not know what she will think that her boyfriend has tortured someone and moreover he was only 17 years old, but he still wanted to ask her what she would feel after hearing that he had tortured someone.

Sakura remained silent for few minutes which made Asher restless because silent treatment is more dangerous than her lashing out on him.

Then he heard Sakura's voice, "Hmm, okay"

Asher's mouth was hanged open and he looked at her weirdly, Sakura noticed his gaze and chuckled as she asked in a amused tone, "What's with that face of yours?"

Asher looked at her and asked in disbelief, "Y-you are o-okay with it?"

Sakura looked at him and smiled lightly as she found him that he was scared that she will began to dislike him, Sakura said, "Although i don't like it but i am not a saint nor i am a person who would forgive people that easily"

"I am rather happy that sick b*****d suffered after ruining the lives of many people, what if I haven't had any self defense skills? What if i didn't have you? then i would have been r*ped and thrown out and nobody would have asked second questions, so why should i feel sorry or pity for him? That's why i don't care."

Asher heard her intently and was surprised by the thinking as he thought, 'Its good that she is not like those girls who would even forgive the person who tried to harm them, they forgive them thinking that they are very 'kind' but in reality it is just foolishness. I mean if you were not strong or had the ability to retaliate then would they have shown mercy? NO! they would not, that's why dislike that personality very much.'

After they talked some more as she also asked about his work and other things, then suddenly a thought came in his head, 'I should also train Sakura with guns and firearms, yeah looking at Sakura wearing black tight clothes with sunglasses and using guns looking badass,ahh~ such a drool-worthy sight.'

Sakura looked at him and narrowed her eyes at his perverted expression, she twisted his ear which made him out of stupor and Sakura asked him while 'smiling', "What or who were you thinking about ASHER."

Asher could feel sweat on his forehead seeing her smile, he nervously chuckled and said, "Nothing, nothing"

Sakura narrowed her eyes, "hmm~"

Asher then turned his head around and decided to change topic as he said, "I am thinking to train you in guns and firearms as well, what do you say Sakura?"

Sakura could see stars in his eyes as he was looking like a child asking for lolipop.

{A/N: Wait girl, we will see who will suck lolipop hehe~}

Sakura also wants to train in all these things so she can defend herself better and that's how can she be able to stay his side more.

Sakura nodded her head and said while smiling brightly, "Okay"

Asher was mesmerized by her smile but then bell was rang which brought him out of his thoughts, then they both parted ways before Asher sneakily bite her cheek and ran away quickly, Sakura was frozen on the spot as a red mark was on her cheek and she blushed and inwardly screamed, 'Argh~you b*stard'

Asher then went to his classroom and sat with hachiman.

Hachiman looked him with deadpan expression and rested his head on his arms, Asher saw him and said, "Yo, Hachiman have you completed the buddhist scriptures."

Asher heard his response, "Hmm"

Asher then said, "Nice"

Hachiman, " "

Asher, " "

Asher sighed and thought, 'Its very difficult to talk to him, most of the time it goes one-sided match'

Asher then said, "Are you aiming to become a monk and go to gain enlightenment under a tree?"

Hachiman sat up straight and looked at him weirdly with a expression, 'What the hell are you talking about?'

Asher then said, "Hey you are detached from world, girls, sports, etc. then what do you expect me to think?"

Hachiman then looked at him and said, "All of it are pain in the a**"

Asher looked and shook his head and then they both rested their head on the desk as they both thought, 'My best friend is weird'

After the school ended, Sakura messaged him,

SAKURA: I am going with Ryoko for shopping, you can go home without me *flying kiss*

Asher frowned and messaged back

ASHER: *irritated face* Why i can't go with you?

SAKURA: Its girls stuff *straight face*

Sakura on other side was blushing hard.

Asher then understood and chuckled, and then messaged her

ASHER: Okay bye, BE SAFE

SAKURA: I will, I love you~

Asher had also put a one of the best lady bodyguard who can follow Sakura everywhere while the males are at the beck and call.

Asher then tucked his hand in his pockets and started walking towards the bicycle stand to go home, when he was about to reach the stand he found four students surrounding a student same age as him, he frowned and decided to check out.

When he reached he heard one of them saying,

"Haha~why are you always silent? You again tried to go library without permission."

"Didn't we tell you to take permission from us even if you have to washroom haha~"

The student bit his lips and stood silent looking down on the ground, the man looked at him and became irritated as he shouted, "You f****r, why are you not saying anything?"

And he just was about to punch him, a strong arm stopped the punch, the man looked forward and saw a tall and extremely handsome young man looking at him with cold gaze, he shivered and tried to remove himself from him, but then he sucked cold breath as he realised that he is the cold prince.

They all have heard about him and know that they can't even put a scratch on him, so they immediately started apologising as they said, "We are sorry, we will not do it anymore"

Asher looked at them with a cold gaze and said coldly, "Its very interesting to beat someone weak from you right? Then acc. to me you all are trash then how about i beat you and have fun? it will be very much fun right?"

They started shivering in fear as they were drenched in sweat and kept shooking their head, Asher then punched the 'leader' of them whose teeth flew out from his jaw and he knocked out on ground,

Asher looked at them and said loudly, "Pick him up and never ever try this again, UNDERSTOOD?"

They all nodded their head quickly while shaking and imagining themselves in place of punched man,

Asher then shouted, "NOW SCRAM!"

{A/N: I wanted to use this scram word for a very long time hehe~}

They all ran away quickly picking their 'leader', after they left Asher turned and thought, 'Who would have thought i would meet the protagonist like this?'

Yeah in front of Asher was now standing a timid looking Haruki, he stood up looked at him with his dead eyes and said, "You don't need to do that, I don't want to owe you anything."

Asher looked at him and simply said, "Okay, I will keep that in mind" he said and turned around and walked away from him leaving a shocked Haruki behind who thought, 'He should have consoled me or something but he just...walked...away.'

Asher then thought, 'I have hachiman to handle, don't wanna another type who is even worse than him.'

Then Asher reached home and changed the clothes as he took bath, he was then received a message from Sakura

SAKURA: Reached safe and sound home *saluting pose*

ASHER: Good girl *patting child's head*

Sakura was on her bead and she blushed at the compliment as she buried herself in pillows while smiling.

Then Asher decided to call Ryoko to form plans for the birthday party.

Asher scrolled down his phone and found Ryoko's number, he dialed the number and soon the phone connected as she picked the call,

Asher heard her voice, "Hello, Asher-san how did you remember me?"


{A/N: I had no plans to become friend with haruki, he just pisses me off.}