Chapter 35-Morning!

Asher woke up in morning and and took a quick shower and changed into his training attire, he came downstairs and greeted his parent, "Good morning mom, dad"

Both Kageyama and Shizune looked at him and smiled as they said, "Good morning Ashy"

He was about to go outside the mansion but suddenly shizune shouted, "How is it going with your little lover?"

Asher turned around slightly surprised and said, "Its going beyond expectations." he said with a loving smile.

Shizune raised her eyebrows and said teasingly, "Oh~then did you have popped the cherry?"

Asher's cheeks turned red and quickly answered, "NO, We have not gone to that stage."

Shizune looked at her son and exasperatedly said, "Oh my, our Ashy can also be flustered sometimes? This is rare."

Kageyama was just sipping his tea without saying a word because he knew that it always backfires on him whenever he tries to tease his son, so he just simply looked at the newspaper and sipped tea, "slurp~"

{A/N: sipping tea sound not the other way hehe~}

After some teasing and bantering between mother and son, Asher left the house to pick up Sakura for daily training.

While, in home Shizune looked at Kageyama and said narrowing her eyes, "Why were you not saying anything or laughing when he became flustered."

Kageyama almost choked on tea as he looked at Shizune and said in a pleading tone, "Wifey, my teasing on him always backfires that's why i kept my mouth shut."

Shizune looked at him and said, "Huh~ scared of his own child, you will sleep on the couch for next week."

Kageyama now choked on the tea, *cough* *cough* and he looked at his wife who was appearing as a monster in his eyes and he thought while on the verge of crying, 'Why it always happens to me? Either i say something or not, everytime i have to suffer the most, this is unfair, I just hope that my future daughter-in-law also punishes my son very much.'

(At training ground)

Asher was doing his normal exercises while waiting for Sakura, after 5 minutes Sakura appeared wearing her training suite looking all sexy and hot rather than her usual pure and goddess-like beauty.

Asher waved his hand and said, "Good morning Sakura" he ran to her and gave her a quick kiss on lips, he tasted her sweet lips which tasted like strawberry, she closed her eyes and hook her arms around his neck.

Asher looked at her as she opened her amber-brown eyes, he brushed his nose against hers and leaned down to her ear as he bit it lightly and seductively said while releasing hot breaths on her bare neck, "You are looking so sexy and alluring Sakura."

Sakura felt strength escaping her legs as she hung on Asher and she shivered at the hot breath brushing her bare neck, as it turned red as her breathing became quick, she always felt herself losing whenever she is with Asher.

She placed her head in the crook of his neck to inhale his mint and manly smell, she gently placed a kiss on his neck which shook his body at the surprise attack, she firstly gently kiss her neck and then slowly started licking his neck upto his jawline while tip-toeing to reach the height.

Asher was feeling hot all over the body as it ir rare for Sakura to take initiatives so he just controlled his desires and let her do whatever she likes and also making him feel hot and aroused.

She smiled mischievously looking at his condition and felt proud that she also affects his body in the same way, his body affects hers.

Then she started giving big kisses and smooches on his fair skin at neck, she licked his skin making his hug tighter around her, she kissed his chin and bit it enveloping his chin into her mouth, she moved upwards and brushed her lips against his, her hot breath was brushing against his sexy lips.

Now Asher could no longer held himself, he quickly pushed her towards a tree and made her back lean against the tree and he cornered her body with his body towering her, his gaze was dark with desire.

Sakura gulped few mouthfuls of saliva looking at his desirous state, her gaze unconciously turned lower and she looked at the bulge in his pants and her body shook, he slammed his right hand on the tree and smiled devilishly at Sakura.

He spoke in a husky voice, increasing the heartbeat of Sakura, "You will be the death of me Sakura, now you also has started becoming naughtier."

His gaze lowered and stopped at her sweet and plump lips which were glistening with saliva, he licked his lips, Sakura noticed his gaze and thought while feeling aroused due to his stare, 'Oh my poor lips, this man is going to ravage you.'

He started sucking on her sweet tongue, he exchanged saliva with hers and sometimes bit her tongue which made her feel both pain and pleasure and pleasure dominated heavily.

she was also feeing something in her abdomen, Asher gave many hickeys and lovebites on her neck, which were shining under the sunlight, he looked at his artwork and smiled proudly as he marked his property.

There were marks all over her neck to her jawline, her face was beet red and her eyes were misty, she was panting heavily taking quick breaths while hugging Ahser, Asher also stopped and hugged her tighter to calm himself down while inhaling her sweet and alluring scent.

They kept hugging for 10 minutes and finally calm themselves down, Asher looked at her with pure love and affection as Sakura shared the same gaze, he gave her last peck on her lips and said while chuckling, "Lets start the training hehe~"

Sakura hitted on his chest and said loudly, "Its your fault that almost everyday we go to make-out session before training."

Asher laughed and teasingly said, "OH, then who is the person who moan my name while in session."

Sakura turned red in embarrassment and lunged at him, she lunged at his back and wrapped her arms around his neck and hung on him like a koala, she bit on his shoulders and said, "You are the one who always seduce me."

Asher said while moving his hand back to support her body, he squeezed her soft and perky butt and thought, 'Woah, what a perfect balance of softness and firmness, she is really flawless, ahh~ I want to squeeze and carrass her bare butt, no problem we will reach there eventually, baby steps bruh baby steps'

Sakura squeeled and moaned, "aahh~" when Asher squeezed her butt, she herself has only touched her butt few times and here she never thought to allow a man to touch her like this. But she felt happy and accomplished.

She hit on his shoulders as she heard him complaining, "What was that for?"

Sakura pouted and puffed her cheeks looking adorable and cute as she said, "Hmph! who said you to squeeze my butt" her cheeks turned red mentioning him like this.

Asher laughed seeing her like this as he said huskily, "You just wait sakura, i will touch every nook and cranny of your body with these evil hands of mine hehe~"

Sakura shivered as she imagined herself naked and being carrassed by Asher all over the body, she quickly shook her head to remove such thoughts and said inwardly, "When did you become a pervert sakura?"

Sakura then moved her head towards the crook of his neck and made a lick on his neck freeing him on the spot as she said to him on his ear seductively, "I will be waiting to be ravaged by you my dear."

Asher could feel his little brother to awaken as he scolded himself, "What the heck Ahser, you turned on just by her words? She is very dangerous-my seductress"

After some flirting and touchy-touchy with each other, they proceeded to training and Asher trained her strictly without any mercy.


Asher was sitting on a tall chair while giving final touches to the painting of Sakura, he smiled at his masterpiece, he left it to be dried and then picked his phone and searched for hachiman's number, he found the id-'The Mute'

He called the number,

Hachiman was laid on his bed with half-closed eyes and then suddenly his phone started ringing, he thought, 'Tch, who is wasting my energy to go and pick up the call this afternoon?'

He went to table and saw the id-'Energy Sucker'

He picked the call and heard his best or only friend's voice, "Hello bro"

He sighed and hummed in response, "Hmm"

Asher then said, "What the heck will you do with your energy reserves? Atleast say hello man"

Hachiman said, "Hello"

Asher said and facepalmed himself as he said, "Well whatever, you are invited to 'Rose Palace' for birthday party of Sakura on Sunday."

Without waiting for reply he said, "People to kill and a meal at Saizeriya" he needs to deal him like a blackmailer and businessman because he knows that he will never go in normal circumstances.

Hachiman just said, "Tch! okay"

Asher smiled widely and said, "Okay see you at the place"

Then he hung up the call and called the manager of 'Rose Palace' as he knows Asher as the son of Kageyama michuki. The manager picked the call and politely asked

"Sir, is there anything we can do?"

Asher said with indifference, "Yes I have to book a private lounge on Sunday for birthday party and i will mail you the necessary details about what should be or not. Is there any problem?"

The manager quickly said, "No sir, we are honored to have you in our place."

Asher then discussed about prices and other things like no. of guests, food, etc. and then hung up the call, he then looked at the painting and thought, 'I should pack this also.'


{A/N: -_-}