Chapter 49-Another man down

Sakura then excused herself and started going to washroom.

She reached the washroom and after washing her hands, she moved out of the washroom, as soon as she exited the washroom, she found a young handsome man leaning to the wall, she narrowed her eyes dangerously as she increased her guards by several folds.

She found him staring at her with a unconcealed lust in his eyes, she felt uncomfortable and with her guard full on, she decided to completely ignore him and started hurriedly walking away from him not wanting to be with a disgusting person.

But before she could go she heard him shout.

"Wait Beautiful!!"

And just as he was about to grab her arm, she turned to him quickly and took few steps backward to maintain a good distance as she stared at him coldly.

She was scanning for any visible weapon or any attempt to harrass her, she then asked coldly, "What do you want mister? This is ladies washroom, keep some of your reputation will you?"

The man was stunned as he being the CURRENT 'most eligible bachelor' of the country, girls are always throwing themselves at him and just he catches all of them and then throws them, but for the girl in front of him he had decided to keep her as a toy for rest of his life.

He never in his wildest dreams he would have thought that there will be a girl who would talk so coldly with him with showing clear disgust towards him moreover she also clearly insulted him, he gritted his teeth but after some thought he showed a wide grin to her making her stomach churned as she had a urge to puke.

He lustfully looked at her and said, "No need to be this fiery babe, you can be all fiery at night with me as I will send the video to your boyfriend hahaha~, so we will have lots of fu-"

Sakura couldn't bear anymore, she first did not wanted to create trouble for Asher and his family at the anniversary, but the man in front of her was so disgusting as he was spouting acid from his commode like mouth. She finally snapped at the thought if him having lustful thoughts toward her.

She moved at a fast speed and kicked his balls with her knees as her most efficient move-'ballbuster'.

The man had his eyes popped out as he did not even knew what happened and he felt unimaginable pain from his crotch, he was about to scream at top of his tongue but before that Sakura elbowed on his jaw with a 180 degree turn which breaked his jaw and then she kicked him on his knee joint.

As he laid down on ground, she stomped on his mouth, thus ending every possibility of shouting of him.

{A/N: Hey you alive?...}

Then she moved backwards and stomped on his crotch 5 times which flattened his whole crotch, no balls and gun only a deserted plateau with lava flowing on it was left.

The 'most eligible bachelor' was not able to shout in extreme pain and agony, his face was contorted as it was smeared in snot, tears and blood.

He was breathing with great difficulty, the pain he was feeling could not be described in words.

{A/N: No, I did not take shortcut---}

Sakura then backed off and glared at the sh*t of man as she said, "God knows how many women's life you destroyed, at first I did not wanted any problems but you piece of sh*t kept spouting bullshit, hmm now what? you were about to force yourself on me no? now a man could force on you not the vice-versa hahaha~, I don't wanna kill you to stain my hands on the day of my boyfriend's parents great day. Just hope if one could able to find you and you can tell them I was the one who beat the shit out of you hahaha~ what now never would you have thought that a girl could beat you no? haha~ now you can play victim card by being bullied by a girl muhahaha~~"

Then she once again washed her hands even though she did not touch him but still it provided a sense of purification, she then dried her hands and left the pile of shit lying down like dying pig on ground.

(Meanwhile at venue)

Asher was at a stall as he was drinking lemon juice(to provide some lemons *cough*).

He was waiting for Sakura to come but then suddenly a feminine voice came.

Bitch saw that her 'at the moment boyfriend' was gone so she started approaching her target, she adjusted her clothes to look more revealing, and then she seductively walked over to Asher and said with a seductive voice(*chills*)

"Hello, Mr. Asher we meet again hehe~"

In her mind she was thinking about, 'What should I pretend? white lotus? sexy woman? cold? sl*tty type? which one? well lets start with white lotus.'

Asher turned around and narrowed his eyes coldly as he remembered her in the restaurant spouting bullshit about his Sakura, he did not wanted to waste any time with her, so he directly asked without beating around bush.

"What do you want Ms. Melromarc?"

Bitch lowered her head looking heart by his distant and cold voice as she gave him puppy(bitchy) look eyes and said pitifully, "I just wanted to talk with such a outstanding and handsome man."

Asher narrowed his eyes and said while sipping lemon juice, "Hmm, I don't think that your boyfriend will like you to admire another young man this much?"

Bitch's eyes changed for a second which did not go unnoticed by Asher but then she turned on verge of crying as she said weakly, "I had to pretend him being my boyfriend *sniff* my family forced me into this, I don't have any feelings for him *sniff*" 'Hell, his little brother is smaller than my pinky finger.'

Asher then pretended to be confused and asked indifferently, "So? Why are you telling me this?"

The bitch stiffened as she pitifully looked at him who remained indifferent and even appeared hostile to her, she said meekly, "I just wanted to share with someone, will you...s-stay w-with me?" she said 'blushingly' like rear of ape and some stuttering to include them as toppings, she also lowered her head to give him full view of her cleavage where the traffic is very much.

Asher looked at her and simply said, "I think there is no important matter to discuss, so please excuse me as my girlfriend will not like me talking with other women."

After saying that he emptied the juice and threw it in dustbin as he walked away cooly from her leaving her with open mouth which is not a rare sight *cough*, she never imagined that her white lotus+cleavage card will fail, this was her strongest attack! Hell she just acted some coyly and 'most eligible bachelor' was in her grasp and her just now her strongest attack was defeated so pitifully.

She clenched her fists as her hatred for that girl with him grew tenfolds, she swore that she must find that slut who seduced this extremely handsome man, she was even willing to give up her flings if she can be with him but one or two sugar daddies are necessary.

She was exploding in anger as no man had ever rejected her, but now a man who did not even glanced at her rejected her outrightly.

She thought, 'Just what spell that slut had played on him, making such a man on her whims argh... F*ck.'

Asher then started walking casually but then he felt someone's gaze on him, he turned around immediately but did not saw anyone, he also remembered the girl with the bitch which gave him some bad vibes although one could never think of such thing from her behaviour.

[POV Sakura]

I started walking towards the hall, tch that piece of shit ruined my mood, I need hugs and kisses from my Asher to purify my mind, ah~ thinking of him always removes any negative thoughts from my mind-such a great healer~~

My mind was wandering in thoughts of Asher as I bumped to someone, I immediately came back to my senses and instinctively told the person,

"Ah, I am sorry, Are you alright."

Then I found that she was the same woman at that restaurant but this woman was nice I think? Well I cannot judge her from just a encounter and also being friend with such a woman was also suspicious but despite all of this this girl apologized on behalf of her friend which seemed rather genuine apology.

I held her hand and helped her stand up as she said while bowing, "I am sorry miss."

Then she scrutinized my face as her face lit up like a light bulb and she said in a surprised tone, "You are that beautiful woman who came with her boyfriend."

I blushed slightly at the mention of my boyfriend but I composed myself and said with a smile, "Yeah, I also remember you."

I found her awkwardly lower her head as she said in a apologetic tone, "ahm- I am sorry again from my friend, she was not like that when she was young but I don't know now what happened to her, Please forgive her impudence."

I was surprised and found this girl nice as I patted her shoulders and said with a gentle smile, "You are good friend umm?-" I do not remember her name.

She understood what I meant and said with a smile, "Its Michell Light, but you can call me Rachel if you like."

I nodded and continued, "You are good friend Rachel."

I found her blushing lightly as she shyly said, "Thanks"

But then I remembered to go to Asher quickly or he will become worried, I then said to her, "I need to go now Rachel, it was nice meeting you."

But she tugged my dress and I turned to look at her confusingly, she said slowly, "Umm Can we exchange numbers? only if you are interes-"

I brought out a paper from my purse and wrote my phone number on it and passed it to her as I said, "Here you are, and my name is Sakura."

I did not tell my surname as there was no need. I found her being happy as she thanked me, I found this girl very innocent haha~

{A/N: Innocent? well she is great actor, I mean she even managed to confuse Khun.}

[POV Sakura End]

Asher found that Sakura was taking a long time so he started walking towards restroom area, and then he found Sakura, he sighed in relief and walked to her quickly.

Sakura found Asher early on as she guessed he must have been worried about her, she felt a little guilty but nevertheless a bright smile bloomed on her face blinding the near men as Asher frowned at them and glared which shut made them turn their gazes.

He possessively wrapped his hands on her waist as he glared at men with a expression saying, 'She is MINE.'

Sakura chuckled at his childish acts as she moved closer to him and leaned her head on his shoulder, Asher's chest filled with pride and warmth for her as he smirked at surrounding men tauntingly which made them curse him under their breaths.

Asher then moved his left hand at them and showed them middle finger as he led Sakura with him with a proud smirk on his face.

All the men were cursing him in hatred as he dared to act lovey-dovey with their self-proclaimed goddess.


{A/N: :) :) :) }