Chapter 53-Hachiman's sister insistence

The three young masters became enraged hearing Asher and all the three of them spoke together while intimately holding each other hands for support

"Our fathers are the CEOs of most famous company, what can a puny mortal can do to us, we will take beauty Sakura from here as our sect provides everything which you cannot compare, beauty Sakura is destined to be with us, YOU DARE TO TALK DOWN TO SON OF PATRIARCH of chu~chu company?"

Asher deadpanned hearing them as he wiped his eyes two times to know that he did not transmigrated to a cultivation world, he then snorted and asked them in dead voice as he can't make himself angry with them cause they are too funny, "You all said fathers and now single patriarch, what is going on?"

One of them arrogantly said, "Hmpf! You are not eligible to know how and why we were born, this is a mystery which only few elders knows hmpf!"

Another one also said, "Yeah, you don't know how great my father-which I presume, is very great, you don't even know he how he have 30 concubines all are exceptional beauties hmpf!"

Third one said, "Yeah, my father is queen of patriarch you know, even my brother is one of concubine of the patriarch."

Asher sighed which was a tired sigh a very tired one, so tired that these goons were now going to be tired of their life.

Just as Asher was about to punch he heard three of them closing their eyes and shout at the same time, "We want beauty Sakura, you can go lowly mortal!"

Asher went to them and as three of them were standing 'close' to each other he raised both of his hands and their eyes were closed, Asher swung his hands and slapped at the corner boys in between the third boy was sandwiched and their head were hit with each other as they all cried in pain at same time,




Asher's eyes twitched even at their squealing while at backside Rachel was dumbfounded, she know that if their family will join hands then even being son of president of Michell industries, he will not be able to escape cleanly, and despite knowing this he did not hesitate to beat them, that means my doubt was correct.

He is not simple, but what is his identity? who is he?

Asher dropped them unconcious and gave a look to the blonde girl behind them looking frightened?, Asher narrowed his eyes to her, he could have only two possibilities by looking at her

1)She is innocent and a good friend.

2)A very dangerous scheming bitch who uses people like tools to achieve anything she wants, a person who is two-faced.

If it is the second one, then she is really something, one of the greatest facade Asher had ever crossed to.

After they came out leaving 3 unconcious boyzz lying in the room, Rachel came forward towards Asher and smiled innocently at him and said while bowing her head, "I am very sorry, Mr. Asher, I should have not invited them."

Asher glanced his eyes at her as his lips turned upwards at end and he said, "Its okay, remember to not make some mistakes again or else...."

He did not complete the sentence and grabbed Sakura's hand who was looking at him with love-struck eyes all the time acting all cool, she then quickly turned and said to Rachel, "Bye, Rachel it was fun."

Asher shook his head that she found it fun, well to be honest sometime beating those piece of shits are really fun.

Sakura though said cheerful goodbye to Rachel but inside a seed of doubt towards her had been sprouted as she did not tried to defend her though looking all frightened and also meeting with 3 boys, booking private room, etc. made her think that the girl is not some simple white lotus.

She shook her head removing all these nonsense thoughts and glanced to her dashing boyfriend, and Kaya and Kyoko were walking behind them, she forgot all her worries looking at the person she loves most.

After some minutes of walking they reached the car, where Asher opened it and helped Sakura sit down and then bent down to tug her seatbelt where Sakura gulped looking at his sexy lips and handsome side view, she wanted to kiss him, him to kiss her senselessly.

She slapped her cheeks as she berated herself, 'Why am I becoming more and more pervert while with Asher, this is all his fault, yeah his fault for being so good and handsome hmpf!'

Asher could also feel her hot breaths on his cheek to which he bobbed his adam's apple as he tried to control himself not to kiss her to death as other people were also here but he could not help and steal a quick kiss on her lips.

The kiss took Sakura by surprise as she hit him lightly and a automatic smile surfaced on her face, while the other two girls were cursing those two love-struck fools for showing so much PDA, Asher even forgot to open door for them as their gentlemanly image for him crushed and they understood that he is a gentleman only for Sakura.

Asher then sat on other seat and started the engine as he asked them, "So? Did you all enjoy?"

Before anyone could speak, Kyoko started speaking, "Yeah, but those three goons were pain in the ass they tried to hit on Sakura so much that it was a headache but then she showed them murderous eyes and they obediently sat, she also sang very beautifully."

Asher heard her and smiled that though there were 3 goons, they all enjoyed but thought of Sakura singing for them irritated him as leaned down to Sakura which made her froze as her heartbeat quickened, his hot breath was tickling on her ears and then she heard his dominant and possessive voice,

"I want you to sing only for me Sakura"

Sakura could feel heat creep to her cheeks as her body shuddered at his possessive voice, she bit her lower lip and shyly tilted her head and leaned to his ear.

Asher could also feel her short breaths on his ear making his desire for her increase, if only could he kick out two people behind him, he just wanted to kick them out and make out with his little vixen.

Sakura said in a sensual and seductive voice to Asher in his ears, "I will only sing for you at night, the song of moans happy?"

Asher's hand tightened on steering wheel as his breath hitched, he wanted her so badly, he glanced at her and she had a smug victorious look on her face, he took deep breaths to cool himself down as his little dragon was trying to soar in heavens, he tried to calm it down.

He gave her a look that spoke, 'Just you wait little seductress, how you will cry in pleasure under me!'

Sakura's smug look vanished at his look as she could feel that she is doomed, she promised that she will never tease him again but she herself knew that this was a promise that as meant to be broken.

Unaware of these two naughty people thinking, on backside Kyoko was looking outside the window and she sighed as she thought, 'When will I find my love? All of men nowadays are just after bodies , haish, where are all good men?'

(Inside Hachiman's house)

Hachiman was lying on the bed while his sister was jumping here and there shouting, "Onii-chan, onii-chan, you should get a girlfriend or boyfriend as per your preference, you will die single."

Hachiman half opened his eyes and looked at her with dead gaze but still said, "I am single alright"

His sister said, "But onii-chan you need to find a girlfriend or boyfriend, Its a pain in the arse to take care of you and I also have to look for boyfriend."

As soon as he heard boyfriend from his sister he stood up and exclaimed at her, "You don't need a boyfriend when you are so little, guys are very bad nowadays, you need to be very vigilant of boys, no boy should touch you, if anyone confess you then tell me and I will beat*cough* assess him. And FYI I am straight or so i think.." he said last part in a low sound only to be heard by him.

Hachiman thought process, 'Yeah, I am straight, I blush when a girl accidentally touch me, I also spoke more words to that Kyoko girl, I am truly straight, after all I only watch vanilla no yaoi! I am definitely straight as an arrow ready to pierce foam. But this all take too much energy...'

His sister looked at him and sighed, "I am going to make lunch onii-chan, learn something from Asher onii-chan, he is so handsome, Sakura onee-san is so beautiful and they are such a lovely couple, learn from him onii-chan."

"You don't need to open a power plant onii-chan by conserving so much energy, go and chase skirts of girls, I found that Kyoko onee-san recently broke with her boyfriend, go after her and try to woo her, come on onii-chan."

Hachiman's thought stopped at Kyoko as he thought, 'That girl just pisses me off, she and I never be in a relationship hmpf!'

Hachiman said while closing his eyes, "I will think about it, go and make lunch."

His sister gave him a disdainful look and went to kitchen while Hachiman shook his head with a sigh...

(At Sakura's house)

After sending Kyoko and Kaya to home, Asher drove Sakura to her home and then said to her while resting his hands on the roof of car and staring and ogling her body, "I will wait on Sunday, be ready, ok?"

Sakura looked at him not very much affected by his eyes roaming all over her body as she was happy also and said, "Yeah, I will be, bye, see you soon darling~~~"

Asher smiled at her and said, "See you soon my little chipmunk~~"

Sakura halted her steps and looked at him in amusement as she said, "Chipmunk? really?"

Asher winked at her and said while opening the door of car, "Yeah the chipmunk which I wanna gobble up."

Without waiting for her response he drove off to his home leaving a blushing mess Sakura who cursed him to death.

After that she went inside her home and lied down on bed while continuing her new novel, and after that she also spend her time in studying geography, she also remembered Asher to ask about university recommendations to join after graduation.

She was also working on gift for Asher on his upcoming birthday, she is learning baking from her mom and practicing daily while she had decided to buy a good wrist watch also for him.


{A/N: '*'_'*'}