Chapter 58-Meeting and Revelations

Asher saw Sakura coming from stairs, she was wearing a modest frock which ran beneath her knees, it had flowery design of petals and flowers, her baby skin arms were holding a tray on which there were cups of tea/coffee.

She elegantly descended from the stairs by taking one step at a time, he found that she was extra shy today which made her more cute in his eyes....she was just like a fairy descending to mortal world.

He just stared at her figure reaching them as she placed tea/coffee cups in front of Asher's parents and greeted them respectfully...he did not even noticed her coming to his way as he was immersed in her movements...he just couldn't get enough of her.

They had been together for around 3-4 years...have intimate moments like hundred times was a understatement, but he still never got tired of her...he still went to daze at slightest things.

Acting like a prim-proper lady in front of his parents made him chuckle...

Sakura reached him as an evil thought came to her mind, 'Hehe~ my soon-to-be fiance...its time to payback some teasing from all these years...all those rough poundings....though I am equally guilty as charged...but being a woman as its own perks...hehe~'

Asher looked at her as she walked to him, he was expecting to hand over the cup from her hands while standing....but...

She bent down to his eye level while the elders were busy in talking among themselves....she blinked her eyes looking innocently at him...she deliberately bent down and brought her shoulders together to make him look at her deep cleavage.

Asher gulped his saliva as his throat became dry...he doesn't remember just how many times has he explored the deep many times have he licked all over the valley...but now he is becoming aroused just by her cleavage.

When he looked at her innocently blinking eyes...he gritted his teeth to not make a boner...he don't want to embarass himself that he couldn't even control himself just by looking at her would be pathetic.

Seeing his frustration, Sakura smirked in victory and gave him the cup as she brushed her fingers on his hand with her dainty finger sending tickles to him...just as she was about to stand up she put her hands on her knees but then suddenly brushed her hands at his member making his body stiffened.

And she then lifted up and smirked...and again a virtuous lady expression was donned on her face as she elegantly sat on seat beside Asher.

Then all adults looked at them and Kageyama praised, "They look very good together."

Shizune also had stars in her eyes as she exclaimed, "I still can't imagine Asher having such a beautiful girl by his side..."

Asher's lips twitched at his mother's statement...he was also handsome okay!!

Hinata sensed it and hurriedly came as a saviour for her future son-in-law.

Hinata said, "No, its Sakura's fortune to meet Asher."

Shizune said while shaking her head, "Its Asher's fortune."





While two women were blabbering with each adult(it seems) was cowering in fear by shrinking himself making him look smaller and smaller...Asher find his father shivering in fear.

While the drama was going on, he suddenly felt someone's foot touching his feet!

His body stiffened as the bare toes slid inside his pants and rolled down his socks while carrassing his legs by running her toes on his bare leg...

He glared at the perpator who was sitting like a virtuous lady with a palm covering her mouth to hide a naughty smile etched on her face.

Asher was feeling shivers in his spine as her toes with rest of fingers were moving up and down on his legs...

Asher also bent his body down to put his one hand on table and he put other hand on the thigh of Sakura...her body stiffened as she knew that punishment is on the way...she gulped her saliva as her toes stopped carrassing his legs...

She turned her face to him and pleaded with her eyes using her most lethal weapon 'puppy dog eyes', if it was any other any time then Asher would have been dealt with fatality...but the situation is different...Asher smiled evilly at her and said with his eyes.

'You are so fucked up my queen~'

Sakura knew that there is no saving for her now but she still gave a last shot as she said with her eyes.

'I am sorry my lord husband~'

Asher felt his chest twisting as butterflies flew in his stomach...he admit that it was very strong attack...even stronger than the puppy dog eyes...but not today....hehe~

Asher then squeezed her thighs which hasten the heartbeat of Sakura, she felt his hand carrassing her thighs from her clothes but she still felt the warmth of his hands...she was having memories when his hands were squeezing and carrassing her naked thighs with passion on those wild nights.

Her breathing quickened as a blush covered up her face...his hand then moved deeper and was just a few centimeters away from her honeypot which aroused and frustrated Sakura...

His hand never touched her honey pot but it explored every nook and cranny of her supple and juicy thighs...

Then suddenly a voice came from his behind..

"Asher, Sakura do you have any problem if we fixed the engagement date, 1 month from today?"

Asher hurriedly back down his hand as both of them took deep breaths to calm themselves...

Asher spoke, "The earlier the better from me...what about you?" he said while turning to Sakura.

Sakura looked at him and nodded, "Yeah, I have no problem."

Then Shizune clapped her hands as she exclaimed happily, "Okay! So, its decided that you will have engagement ceremony 1 month from today."

Both Sakura and Asher smiled brightly as they felt satisfaction and happiness...they both held their hands below table as they intertwined their finger and smiled as they looked at each other.

The adults looked at them as they felt satisfied...they could see that both of them love each other beyond comprehension...they were happy while looking at their children.

Then suddenly Hinata brought a red packet beside her and gave it to Shizune, "Please accept this dowry...I always saved money for Sakura though I knew that she can't live more than 17 years, but as a mother I can't help it...So, please accept it..."

Tears started raining from her eyes as she remembered how she wanted her daughter to live normally, have a boyfriend that love her, to make her engaged...

Shizune gently hugged her 'in-law' and patted her back to pacify her...Sakura also became emotional as some tears were falling from her eyes...but she also had a relieved smile...she felt relaxed that her mother also let out all those pain and suffering.

After the emotional drama, they discussed things like venue and other things...both Asher and Sakura told that they will only invite close friends and family.

Though both the mothers wanted the engagement grand but Sakura and Asher managed to make them accept.

Then both the family bid farewell but not before Asher gave her a quick kiss on lips in secret which still made her blush like her first kiss.

Then the michuki family reached home as Asher then bid his farewell from the mansion to his own home...he reached the same mansion where he and Sakura spend their first night.

He then went to a room which was in basement, as soon as he opened, he was greeted by many newspaper cut-outs, marked places, various laptops and technology devices which he used for hacking into various government servers...

He sat down on the chair as he pulled out a can of cola from the refrigerator and opened it, he wore a spectacle and took a paper where 'Zain family' he circled the word with a red marker and stared at the word as a smirk appeared on his face.

'So, this is the one huh? Atlast I found it after talking with the old man {A/N: If anyone of you remembers, even if not then it doesn't matter, I myself forgot about him.},'

'All the evidences and numerous things led to the current head of family, 'Kaled Zain', father of 'Kang Zain', father of Sakura as he changed his surname...interesting.'

'So, from all my resources and my individual deducing skills, I found that Kang Zain was bethroted with his secretary at Zain corporation but he fell in love with Hinata, an orphan and then same drama went on as he made a pact with his father that he will leave family in return that his family would never disturb him or his family...then again drama went on'

'Apparantly he was killed by the same secretary as expected, who used Gylph industries to kill him making the whole murder look like an accident...tbh...If anyone knew this family drama then they could have known this at very moment...but I needed to find this drama...*sigh*...well, I don't care BUT-'

'I will definitely wind up that secretary as I came to know that all those killing attempts in secret were done by that secretary who is mother of that blond girl-Rachel, as she manipulated her own daughter into these though her daughter was already a bitch.'

'So, I hope that this Zain family don't come in my way...though they are a powerhouse in international level but my company A.S.H itself could rival them as I had already incorporated michell and gylph industries, basically I robbed off gylph industries.'

'So, the secretary, wife of head of Light industries and her daughter Michell light a.k.a Rachel or also known as 'lady yellow', in our hacking world...yeah, I investigated her after I found her involvement and came to know that she was the one who manipulated Malty also...she was a good opponent to be honest...this mother-daughter pair were very dangerous....BUT~'

'Now only their end in despair and eternal darkness awaits them...'

Asher threw the empty can in bin and stood up before locking the room....


{A/N: ^_-}