Chapter 60-Another cliche situation

In front of the three men...Sakura was in arms of a man whose back was facing them...Sakura had lovestruck expression as she talked to the man.

She gave pecks on his cheeks and on his lips the man reciprocated.

The three of them were fuming in anger looking the girl they 'love' was happily in arms of another man while being kissed...they themselves omitted about the girl kissing the man.

They looked at each other and nodded as they started walking towards the couple..they found that the couple was about to enter the car then suddenly Ymir yelled,

"Hey Sakura! Wait!!"

Asher stopped and turned around to find three handsome men running towards him...he furrowed his eyebrows when he heard them calling Sakura so friendly...though he feel slightly uncomfortable but from their tone it seems that they are her, he will not be hostile...for now atleast.

Asher then looked at Sakura who was furrowing her eyebrows as he raised his eyebrow and asked, "Your friends?"

His tone was very pure with no malice which send shivers to the spine of Sakura as she looked at him and shook her head like a little child and said, "I don't think we are friends, heck we are not even acquaintances."

The three men were shocked to see the handsome man in front of them...deep down they all knew that he was more handsome than three of them combined.

But how could they just accept it like, they came up with an excuse to soothe themselves...that he must be undergone plastic surgery....yeah, that must be it.

Then Asher deduced that they all are 'flies', so, his overprotectiveness passive EX skill turned on as he asked them coldly,

"What do you want from MY girlfriend?"

The three of them gritted their teeth as they started feeling inferior in front of this young man...then suddenly an idea clicked on Ymir's mind.

{A/N: Be ready for over cliche and aware!!}

Ymir then smirked as he straightened his back and matched his gaze with Asher...they both were almost of same height as he asked, "We had come to invite her to the basketball match...all students would come, so as fellow 'students' of same university we decided to invite her, BUT-"

"You see that one player has some emergency, so we are in need of one player to play...and I think you have good p-physique...and you don't need to worry if you don't know how to play...all are street basketball players...some are even noobs"

Then he evilly smirked and said in his mind, 'Heh~ we are at professional level...just you wait...just by having looks don't define everything(Hypocrisy has it limits goddammit!), I will make you lose so badly that your pride itself will make you to break up with her muhahaha~'

The two other men also realized it and smirked evilly inside their minds...

Asher also understood and sighed at another cliche scenario and then said in his mind, 'I am taking Sakura to a vacation after engagement to a far place...far away from these daily bullshits. But for now lets show them who is the boss...who Sakura's man is....hehe~'

Sakura also understood it and sighed tiredly as she thought, 'Tch, again these fuckers came to waste my time with Asher...'

She turned to Asher and said, "Asher go and beat them..."

But then she realized, 'Oh! shit did I dig my Asher's grave with my own hands? I do not recall him playing basketball...shit in rage I blurted him to play basketball...what to do now?'

Asher then turned to Sakura and brushed her hair earning a cute pot from her as she rebuked, "Don't mess with my don't know how special my hair dressing was...hmph!"

Asher chuckled and said, "Hehe~ let's go, you have to cheer your boyfriend~"

Sakura blushed slightly and then whispered to him, "You don't need to...though"

Asher shook his head and said, "But I want to...I want them to know that the man who conquered Sakura's heart is no pushover..."

"Don't worry, who knows you might see another side of me?"

Sakura looked at him suspiciously but still nodded her head as she trusts him fully...

On other side the three were having constipation due to excessive dog food shoved to them...

Asher then looked at them and said 'politely', "Let's go..."

They nodded as Sakura separated and went towards the seats to watch and cheer for him...

(Inside stadium)

The stands were fully filled, on one side was girls who were cheering and shouting while other side were boys who were cursing the players...Sakura spotted Nina and Tina who were standing with a banner on their hands...




Sakura's eyes twitched seeing the banner...

She thought, 'What the hell? Have you seen megamind? snowman? and charmander? really char char?...well whatever...'

Sakura went to them but their eyes were locked at the entrance...waiting for arrival of you-know-who.

She then tapped her shoulders as Tina and Nina turned around as they were surprised to see Sakura here...

But soon Tina smirked and said while laughing mockingly, "Haha~ I knew could anyone ignore the charm of three heavenly princes at the same place...and in sleeveless shirt and short pants...*gulp* could you ignore it.."

Nina also looked at Sakura with confused face looking for explanation, Sakura deadpanned at Tina and said angrily, "My boyfriend is going to play that's why I came."

'I know that I can't hide that godly face of him from these predators...they were underestimating Asher...underestimating the man chosen by me!' Sakura thought narcissistically.

Tina and Nina had O-mouth expression ready to be filled by....cough shock and surprise.

Tina then looked at Sakura and said, "Really?"

Sakura nodded her head, "Really."

And then the three of them sat together while the banner was lying on floor beneath their feet as they forgot about it...due to Sakura's mysterious boyfriend...

(Inside changing room)

The three men told him to change outfit but Asher declined and just rolled up his sleeves showing his white arms with bulging veins...the arms were filled with strength.

He also undid two buttons of his black shirt and took the basket ball while rolling it on top of his index finger and bouncing on ball while catching repetitively....he stretched his arms as crackling sound of bones were heard...

The other men in room gulped audibly seeing the explosive man was licking his lips while rubbing his thighs together...

After that Ymir gritted his teeth and came forward as he clapped his hands...

"Hey guys, so here are two teams...

Team Heavenly Princes-Mike, Ray, Ymir

Team Noobs-Asher, Ichi, Ni"

Ichi and Ni were two other boys with small stature of only 165 cm...Asher again sighed at another cliche technique...

He went to two of them and said in intimidating tone, "You two just have to pass ball to me, clear?!"

The two were shivering as they just kept nodding their heads like a woodpecker...

Then they all become ready for the match as they heard the announcer

[All our fangirls and jealous boys are welcome to this 'friendly' match, now everybody hold your breath and cheer for first team....TEAM HEAVENLY PRINCES!!]

*applauds* *applauds* *applauds*

Then the three men came out in which Ymir and Ray were waving their hands at female stands gaining ire of all the boys, while Mike was just walking ignoring everyone but still glanced at female stand or to a specific spot.

Then they went to blue side and gathered there while discussing strategies...

[After the arrival of Heavenly please welcome TEAM NOOBS...who have a new player today!!]

Then three men came out in which two men were following the front man as the entire stadium went silent and then a loud cheer came from female stand,


While from male stands sounds of heart breaking and curses came,

"Fuck!" "Shit!" "Not another one..even on whole another level" "Will we spend our lives with our left hand?" "Life is unfair"

Asher ignored all of them and simply made his way to the red stand and stood there.

(On female stand)

Nina and Tina were blankly looking at Sakura who had a smug look on her face looking at them as she asked, "So, do I need to look at other men if I have him?"

Nina and Tina gritted their teeth and said, "You are so unfair Sakura!"

Sakura giggled at them as the duo were having fantasies with their friend's boyfriend..

Then Sakura heard many voices...

"Ah~ look at him, a perfect fap material"

"Holy shit he is even more handsome that the princes trio"

"I wanna make babies with him~~"

"Hey look at that strong arms...that face...I bet that his meat rod would be one hell of a rod."

Sakura's cheeks twitched hearing the comments as she gritted her teeth looking at Asher, 'These bitches...I am going to kill all of them...fap material?...I will fucking cut of your hands....okay control Sakura...control...take this in a good way...shall we?...look how many girls are after him but only you are allowed to touch him...control don't need to make him a tag of husband of a murderer...CONTROL!'

[So, the match is starting...both the players of team are coming to ground...]

Then Ni went to stand in middle for playoff...the reffree asked if both teams are ready and after having the confirmation...he threw the ball straight upwards.

Ni tried to jump and take the ball but Mike tapped the ball behind to Ray without much effort.

Then Ray dribbled ball past Ni as he pass it to Ymir who made lap shot to the goal and earned two points

Team Heavenly Princes | Team Noobs

2 | 0

All the crowds erupted in cheers as the female group went haywire as they began shouting...

"Even if new man is more handsome but Ymir is the best."

"That was supercool!!"

"Sooo hot!"

Ymir smirked looking at Asher who smirked back at him taking him surprised...

[POV Asher]

Then ichi stood at side of goal pass the ball and as soon as reffree whistled he passed the ball to me.

'Ah its been so time since I last played...I remember even I played at streets during my childhood in previous life.'

I grabbed the ball and shot the glance forward looking at Mike going to defend, Ymir coming at me and Ray keeping eye on ichi and Ni...a wide grin laced on face...

I dribbled the ball at inhuman speed taking all the people by surprise as I dribbled and pass the ball under the legs of Ymir who stood frozen...Mike panicked as he quickly tried to cover the goal but I moved forward and gave a light tap on ball just before the field line.

The ball flew sidewards and directly went inside the goal.

A pin drop silence ensued on the stadium then suddenly the stadium erupted in cheers and shouting.

[Did you guys see that!? Than was simply inhuman...such speed...such reflexes...and when he passed the ball from opponents legs...that was frigging cool!!]

The female stand dropped all banners of Ymir trio as they had stars in their eyes looking at me...which I do not give a single shit...I only care of one girl and when I saw her lovestruck face filled with sight of only me...I was truly satisfied..I only want that...nothing else.

[POV Asher End]

Team Heavenly Princes | Team Noobs

2 | 1


{A/N: Firstly I don't now much rules of basketball as I played it like 4 years back and that even just for leave my soul for critcism...hehe~}


Should Asher tell about his past life and reincarnation stuff to Sakura in future?

Like yes if it is yes and no if it is no.

Tell me in comments.

{A/N: I~_-I}