Natalia's Mother Rebirth


Chaos' Light Attribute Magic wasn't strong, it was still Level 1. And there weren't many competent healers. And even if he had, he wouldn't be able to get there in time. The woman's life was about to end soon.

It was almost surreal for him to think that she was able to hold up for so long, only with the thought of her daughter as her last pillar in her entire life, such a strong will…

Chaos couldn't help but grow an incredible admiration over such a woman and wanted to help her as much as he could, especially because she was the mother of one of his strongest allies and also his friend, Natalia.

The bright light bathed her body, a bit of her pain faded away, and she could see more clearly… but this only worked to extend her life a few minutes.

"Nata… lia…" she sighed.