The Demigods Arrive...


The Lands of Sandara were a hostile place within the Ginnun Continent, they made up 40% of the entire continent, and were a desolate area that spread across many kilometers.

It was made up mostly out of sand, gray sand and ashes of ancient sleeping volcanoes which all covered this world with their ashes and made a lot of sand out of it.

These lands were once enjoying a good and enriching place, as they held large lakes of colorful chemical liquids that were drank and used as resources by several races of Demons.

However, over a thousand years ago, a sudden storm of cataclysmic proportions covered the entirety of this continent's area, the life of this desert was wiped out that day, leaving nothing behind at all, but ruins that were buried below the sand…

The storm's origins were unknown, but it was said that it shrouded the entire place in darkness.