An Unexpected Turn Of Events


"She's gone! She died right there! There's no hope…"

"Uwah! Let's run away!"

The two kids began to run away but they were suddenly stopped by a large figure that descended in front of them, it resembled a beautiful girl with blue-purple skin… it was a Shoggoth Maid, Abyss!

In her spear, she carried dozens of corpses from Fierce Falcon Dragonfly, powerful aerial predators that dominated the skies of the swamps of this planet!



"hello children! Sorry to stop you from going anywhere but Chaos said you should help us out find some more about this place…" she said, acting friendly, although her nature and her aura exuded a monstrous presence! The kids felt like they were looking at darkness itself, no, this was the Dark One! They were sure of it now!

They were going to die! So young and little!



The two kids suddenly fell over the ground unconscious…