Overwhelming The Forbidden One's Ego!


Chaos and Aruliel had joined hands once more, while Dura had managed to escape the temple after the two began to engage into a fight against the Forbidden One amalgamation composed of his Soul Fragment of Ego.

Dura, barely being able to stand due to the strong damage in her soul, was greeted by the young Froggo and the Aberrant Psionic Cthulhu coupled with the other two summons, the Demigod, and the God, that Chaos had summoned previously to protect the entrance to the temple.

"Dura! Are you okay? You look pretty bad! W-W hat's happening inside?!" asked Froggo.

Dura groaned as she began to heal her body, but it was the soul that hurt her the most, the Forbidden One's nightmare had taken a big hit into her soul, weakening her rather strongly, and leaving her in a bad state.

Froggo had learned some healing magic, but his element, nature, and water, had no effect in the soul either and his healing magic was of now use either.