Forbidden One's Ego Rematch 1


The Forbidden One's Ego had survived Chaos tremendous attack! Chaos had gathered a large quantity of cosmic energy and chaos energy, spending a good chunk of his cosmic energy reserves for that one hit, which left an enormous crater in the icy crust of this frozen continent, only to end on the Forbidden One's Ego surviving as he had suddenly managed to fuse with the other fragments! Chaos was a bit too late at the end, but was he willing to pull back now that he was here? Of course not, Chaos was a relentless hunter, and he wouldn't rest until he could finally defeat and devour this amalgamation of fragments.


From the depths of the continental crust, a massive amount of darkness exploded and moved upwards, as several grotesque tentacles and insect-like arms emerged one after the other…!

"That was very close…!" He roared. "You almost killed me there! Gahahaha!"