Chapter 3

Artemis walk to the front to talk to the professor. The professor is 5 inches shorter than Artemis as he need to slightly look up to her.

"hello Ms. Harmon, I have to say that it was nice meeting you knowing that you will be protecting one my students" the professor talk as bring out his hand.

Artemis look down and handshake the professor while saying. "its nothing, this my job" letting go of the professor's hand. "I hope you'll enjoy your time here" the professor kindly smile at her.

"Thank you" Artemis slightly smile. Hearing the bell rang for next class, Artemis excuse herself from the professor.

Artemis walk in the hallway, she's going to her next class but a cheerful voice yet again can be heard. "Heyy!! Aminah!" Felicia shout as she wave her hand, Belle also have her hand and said "hey" to Artemis.

Artemis look at them, Felicia and Belle are 3 meters away from Artemis. Artemis stare at Felicia, processing the information that Agent 3L1 gave her.

'Felicia Castillo, Age 22 and Belle Thomson's Best friend. She's the heir of Castillo Family, rank number 4 from the richest company in the country'

Artemis then look at Belle. "hi" Artemis

Also greet the two without much of a care. "soo, what's your next class Aminah?" Felicia with her cheerful voice ask Artemis as she walk at the side of Artemis, Seeing Felicia's action Belle also walk at the other side of Artemis.

"Financial & Management Accounting" Artemis simply stated to Felicia. "Aminah how tall are you?" Felicia again ask another question, reaching her hand at the top of Artemis head while tipping her toes.

(A/N: I don't know if this is a real subject or class but if it isn't then im sorry ( ・ั﹏・ั))

"I'm 6'3" Artemis answer to her question with monotonous voice, "Wow, you're so tall. Do you part time job as a model?" this time a pleasant voice ask, Artemis look down at Belle. "no, I don't work part-time job" feeling the glasses is about to fall from the ridge of the nose, Artemis push her glasses.

The 3 of them walk to their class, Felicia kept talking with Belle and Artemis.


Sitting on the bench, Artemis sip of her Red Eye Coffee at the same time eating a BLT sandwich. She can feel the air, swaying her hair and the tree leaves.

'this is refreshing' Artemis thought but quickly burn her thought as she hear a cheerful voice from afar.

"Aaammiiinaaahhh!!" Felicia shouted from afar, waving her hand. Belle smiled while saying "Hey Aminah!" she beamed as she wave her hand.

'I guess not' Artemis quickly thought as she lazily wave back without changing her face. Felicia and Belle are standing in front of Artemis, "there you are! We've been looking for you every where!" Felicia exclaimed as she put both of her hands on her hips.

Belle sat down beside Artemis, she noticed a cup beside her. "is that a Red Eye Coffee?" she ask while pointing the cup. Artemis glance at her due to her question, she took her coffee and sip.

"yes" Artemis answer while looking at her coffee. "Oh! Belle also like that coffee!" Felicia mentioned as she bent forward to the bench that she's sitting.

Artemis look at Belle "oh? Then, do you want this?" she asked in a toneless voice. Surprised for a second, Belle didn't refuse but sweetly accept.

Drinking the coffee that Artemis gave her, Belle let out a sweet smile. 'its been a while since I've drink this, I still love this'. The three of them saw 4 guys walking towards them.

The man at the front with an arrogant attitude and look glance down at Artemis then at Belle. Seeing the man's action, Felicia let out an disgusted look while Belle simply look at the man without being rude and Artemis look at him in a poker face.

"hey, You're the transfer student right?" the man rudely question Artemis as he let out a disgusted smug. Artemis push up her glasses "yes, I am" she verified in a monotonous voice.

Aware of Artemis response, them man felt embarrassed and displeased with Artemis reply. The man let out a scoffed "Hah! You're not pretty anyway" the man snickered.

'okay? So?' Artemis thought without looking at the man. The man quickly change to Belle, running his fingers through his hair, the man disgustingly smug at Belle. Making her uncomfortable but still put a polite look.

"Hey Belle, how about we go on a date tomorrow?" the man proposed to Belle, his friends on the back is cheering for him as he proposed to Belle.

"no thank you" Belle politely decline without looking at him, the man's friends covered their snicker. The man's face went red due to rage and embarrassment he felt.

Without thinking the man quickly stretch his hand attempting to grab Belle. Artemis grabbed the man's wrist making everyone shock from both of their action.

"H-Hey! Let go!" the man shouted, feeling a little pain from his wrist. Artemis stand up from the bench making the man look up to her in fear.

[I got his information, Apparently her mother is a model but not a famous model. For normal people you can call them rich but at Belle Thomson's point of view his family is just a rock at their garden. Means the Thompson's family can fire his mom]

Agent 3L1 giggle

"I-im rich you know!" the man prattle in anger. Artemis coldly look down at him, squeezing his wrist the man yelped in pain.

(A/N: Prattle= talk at length in a foolish or inconsequential way)

Artemis step closer to the man's ear, "stop your bullshitting. so as she, you know she can get your mother…fired. So shut the fuck up before something happens to you." she whisper in a low voice, threatening the man at the same time squeezing his wrist and almost broking his bone.

The man's face went pale, Artemis felt his hand trembling. She let go of the man's hand and went back to sit.

The man quickly rub his hand, he glance at his friends at the back, curious of what happened. He click his tongue, "lets go" the man walk away without looking at the three of them.

"thanks Aminah" Belle thank Artemis and giving her a sweet smile. "you look cool out there!" Felicia expressed as she smack Artemis back.

"No, its nothing" Artemis answered while drinking her coffee. Belle's about to talk something but Artemis felt a vibration on her skirt, taking out her other phone. She look at her phone and saw Megan calling her.

"Excuse me" she excuse herself, walking from the side of the building. Artemis answer the call. "Heeeyy!!" Megan's loud voice can be heard from the phone, taking the phone out of her ear.

Artemis was irritated from her voice that she hang up, After hanging up Artemis got another call from the same number.

"muu! muu! You're so mean Arty!" Megan complain acting like a child. "what do you want?"Artemis ask with irritation in her voice, scratching her head.

"you" Megan replied seriously. Silence can be heard from both sides of the call, Artemis slowly distance her phone to her ear.

"I was joking! I was joking! Don't hang up!"Megan panicky confess as if knowing that she will hang up.

"…" Artemis stay silent after hearing Megan's sin. "uh…Art? Im sorry, i wanted to call you because I want to hang out with you later" Megan apologize in brittle voice.

"pfft! HAHAHAHHAHA" Artemis laugh hearing Megan's voice. "wha-what?! Why are laughing! I thought you were mad at me! That I almost cry!" Megan exploded in anger.

"Because, that's the only way you're gonna spill what's you want~" Artemis gloat on her. "meanie! Anyway the time will be 5:30pm" Megan fumed, hanging up the call.

(A/N: gloat= contemplate or dwell on one's own success or another's misfortune with smugness or malignant pleasure)

Scratching her cheek, Artemis look at her phone. 'Shit was that too much?' she wonder, putting back the phone to her skirt. Artemis went back to Belle and Felicia.

'right, judo is my next class. Unreasonable as shit but that's just Megan being Megan' she thought while walking.


Artemis enter a large classroom wearing her uniform, attracting the students attention.

{Whoa no shit, she really is tall}

The teacher walk at the front, wearing her uniform. Clapping her hands, the students attention goes to the instructor.

"okay everyone! Since we have a new student in this class. Introduce yourself and after that we'll be having a spar" the teacher announced as she put her hands on her hips.

The students started booing once they heard a word 'spar' in the teachers mouth.

Artemis stand up, "I'm Aminah Harmon, nice to meet you" introducing herself. After that she sat down.

"lets start the spar shall we? Now I've listed all of your names in this box, this will base who's you're going to fight" she explained, holding a box that miraculously appeared….no I was kidding, Ahem. Holding a box that she took in the cabinet.

(A/N: I tried to joke in here if you don't see it, it's not funny right? Don't worry I will burry my self in the ground (-̩̩̩-̩̩̩-̩̩̩-̩̩̩-̩̩̩___-̩̩̩-̩̩̩-̩̩̩-̩̩̩-̩̩̩))

"hey do you think that Aminah girl can fight?" the man ask glancing at Artemis as he nudge his friend beside him.

"What kind of fucking nonsense is that? Of course she can, I mean why would you join if don't know how to" the woman answer, looking piss and not glancing at Artemis.

"hey..! You can also join if you don't know how to fight you know!" the man yelled in quietly, not wanting to be called out as the teacher pick some names on the box.

"see now you know, aren't you such a big genius" the woman sarcastically said to her friend. The man heard and let out a scoffed "wow meanie"

"Now that Im done picking, lets start now. First is…Aminah Harmon vs Brad Marrow" the announce as she read the paper. Artemis stand up and remove her glasses making the students stunned.

Standing at the combat area, the two of them bow each other. After the teacher began the sparring.

(A/N: combat area= this is located in the center of the mat, this is where the judokas fight and score points.)

Brad make the first move by gripping both of his hands on Artemis's uniform. She do the same thing as him, positioning herself to do Harai Tsurikomi Aishi in a matter of seconds. Beating Brad Marrow in 10 seconds.

(A/N:Harai Tsurikomi Aishi- lift pull foot sweep)


The sound of the whistle was heard in the classroom, the teacher stop the fight. "Good job out there Aminah, Aminah Harmon wins!" announcing the winner, she compliments Aminah while she announce another pair.

After all of the students spar together, the teacher gave them a break. Seeing how Artemis fight earlier, the students want to talk to her but her face is making them unable to approach her.

Artemis look at the teacher when someone approach the teacher. It was a man with well build body, seeing a familiar face Artemis look at the man really well.

It took a couple of seconds before Artemis recognize the man. He's the man who beat up the three delinquents at the back of the building, which was caused by her.

'Ah, he's the man who got hit.' She thought, checking the time Artemis ask Agent 3L1 about Belle Thomson.

"report" she whisper, while looking at some café in her phone.

[She's taking notes in her class, as of now there's haven't been an suspicious activity have seen]

Agent 3L1 report it to Artemis in matter of seconds.

"Good" she ended the conversation, she noticed that the teacher is looking at her. "Aminah, Marcus said that he wants to fight you. Is that okay?" the teacher ask as she point Marcus.

"yes" she replied, standing back up. The students was stunned to what they hear, whispering each other.

{Do you think she can win Marcus?}

{I don't know, remember how Marcus defeated all of us? Dude he's way stronger than her}

"Okay okay! Stop whispering as if this is illegal or something" the teacher interject the whispering by clapping her hands.

Artemis and Marcus step on the combat area, bowing down to start the fight. 3 seconds after the game starts that Marcus make a move first.

They both grab each others uniform. before Marcus could do something, she use Sode Tsurikomi Goshi to him by grabbing his colar side of his uniform and his sleeve rear in her other arm. Pulling up his arm, she destroy his balance and throwing him at the ground but before his body touch the ground, he move his body making him crawl when landing.

Without giving him a rest, she then proceed to use Gyaku Juji Jime. She first pinned down Marcus, then cross her hands on the sides of his neck using. Using the side of her palm, she squeeze inward making him choke and tap; meaning he lost.

(A/N: Sode Tsurikomi Goshi- Sleeve lifting & pulling hip throw.

Gyaku Juji Jime- Reverse cross choke.)

"Aminah wins" the teacher stop the fight, announcing that Artemis wins. Checking at the time at her phone, the teacher look to the students and said "Okay everyone! Time sure fly fast right? Class is done, be sure to take a shower later because I don't wanna have a complain about your smells" she joke as she leaves the classroom.

Many students was shock to what they saw, they couldn't believe that the strongest student in this class was loss to a new student.

After the fight, Artemis went to the locker to wipes her sweat. She rest for five minutes then went to shower, It took her 5 minutes to finish.

Artemis walk down the hallway, she sent a text to Megan which she reply after getting a message.

[Arty: let's adjust the time to 6:20pm, I have a job to finish. Sorry Meg even though I want to be early]


A notification sound was heard, Artemis seen the message and let out a smile.

[Idiot Megan: okay that's fine but! You have to treat me!]

Without waiting for a minutes to pass, she quickly sent a reply.

[Arty: sure, idiot and invite Ezra if he have time]

Artemis look up and saw Felicia and Belle with stunned face. Felicia quickly run up to her then said cheerfully, "you smile! I saw you smile!" pointing at Artemis mouth.

"stop that!" Belle chop Felicia's head causing her to whimpered. "you look even great when you smile Aminah" smiling at Artemis.

Artemis quickly went back to her usual face. "class is about to start, I have to go" she stated while walking faster.