Chapter 11


A sound of a gunshot echoed to the room while a muffled scream joined, Freddie's face had an extreme painful expression and was full of sweat.

Artemis let out a grin as she put back her gun on her back, "I'll see you later" Artemis coldly spoke to him and walk out the room as the other do the same.


It was already 6 pm when they started eating dinner, everyone laughs as they eat with annoying man's faint muffled scream on the background.

As soon as they finish eating, Artemis went back to her room with cake on her hand. [Creak] the door creak as Artemis opens it, she glances at the door before closing it. 'I'll remember to tell it to Sir. Mich' she thought to herself as pull the chair on her desk and sat down.

Artemis opened her computer but before she could enter her password, Xander suddenly barged in her room. "Art!! Let's play Xbox!! Of course, I won't lose!" he chattered as expression was different form his usual serious face.

"I'm busy, I have to get more information to my quest for tomorrow" Artemis replied with a troubled look on her face, hearing Artemis response Xander just smile at her as he understood her reasons.

Xander closed the room as he said to Artemis "Okay, good luck!", after knowing Xander left, Artemis quickly put her password to her computer and went to their website.

Artemis scroll through enormous number of quests that was paste in the board on their website, Artemis found the quest she was looking for after minutes of scrolling.

'found it' Artemis though as she clicks the quest#1206, killing the target that stole my watch as the client posted it up. As the information goes, it was a 60 years old man who stole the necklace of the client, the information also stated that he usually will be in the casino as that's his everyday routine.

Artemis look at the address and found nothing strange on it, after reading all the necessary information Artemis called her agent.

After second ring was rang, Honey whose Artemis agent in the underground who also the woman in the office who identified herself as Artemis friend.

"Oh my~ I didn't know my dear would call me at night~" Honey spoke in a sly tone on her voice, she leaned down on her chair as she spin herself in the office while holding the phone to her ears.

Artemis was irked to hear her voice and hearing her said 'dear', 'Why is she like this?' she helplessly thought to herself as she mentally shakes her head.

"Don't call me that" Artemis rebuke with great contempt on her tone, "Baby don't be like that~" Honey sadly sighed as she responded to Artemis. "Haa, let's get to the point Honey" Artemis let out a sigh as she spoke.

"Oh~? Am I your Honey?" Honey teased Artemis with a wide smile on her face, "Honey, shut the fuck up before I'll fuck you up" Artemis cursed as she's irritated on Honey's teasing.

"When dear~?" Honey asks with innocent tone on her voice, her eyes narrowed in delight. "Yates…" Artemis coldly spoke Honey's last name; she taps her long index finger on her table.


"Fine~ what is it?" Honey drops her sly voice and went back to her working voice. Seeing that Honey went back to her working voice, "I want to take the quest#1206, I'll start the quest tomorrow" Artemis stated.

"Is that all?" Honey asks as she took a glance at the window, she also taps her index finger on her table.

"Yeah" Artemis replied shortly, "I'll see what I can do dea—" before Honey could finish her word, Artemis hang up the call.

A laugh surrounded the dark room where Honey's at, after the laugh faded, a sound of someone typing on the keyboard echoed the room.


After hanging up the call, Artemis put down her phone on her table. 'I really can't deal with her flirting' Artemis thought as she slightly massages her temple.

Artemis raise both of her arm; she stretches out her arms as she let a groan. She then went back to her computer to look for more information on her target, just then she heard a notification sound on her phone.

She took a look and it was Honey who message her but Honey's name on the contact irritates her that her eye twitch.

[Honey<3: the client was already notified and hope you could meet them]

[Deary<3: okay, tell them I'll meet them at 10 in the morning]

Artemis replied to Honey's text without knowing Honey who are in her office was smiling so hard that her cheeks started to get numbed.

Little did Artemis know that on Honey's contact her name was 'Deary<3' causing Honey to laugh when she remembered this contact name on Artemis.

[Deary<3: When did you change your contact's name on my phone?]

Although it was just a text, Honey could feel the coldness and the murderous gaze through the phone. Honey nervously laughs although Artemis couldn't hear it.

[Honey<3: I don't know what you're talking about]

Seeing her reply, Artemis just let out sigh, tired of dealing her jokes. Artemis just put down her phone on the table while the screen faces the top of the table.

After a couple of hours of searching on the target's information, Artemis stretch out her arms as she let out a yawn.

Artemis stand up from her seat then walk toward her bed, she lay down to her bed then slowly closed her eyes.


Artemis opened her slowly opened her eyes, she took her phone on the nightstand before checking the time.

'Ughh…' Artemis groan as she slowly sat up from her bed, she looks at the time and it's 6:00 am in the morning.

Artemis got up from the bed, she put on her fluffy slippers to her feet. As she stands up, she heard a knock on the door. "What?" she asks as she took a quick glance before walking toward her walk-in closet.

"I'm going to a party today, you coming?" it was Megan who ask Artemis, she went inside her room and sat down on her bed.

"Where?" Artemis ask as her voice traveled to her walk-in closet, Megan could hear the sound of the drawers getting opened and close.

"At XXXX street balyxxx, there's also a casino there" Megan responded as she lay her body on the bed. Artemis walk out the walk-in closet, wearing a slightly loose t-shirt and a knee length short however due to her height the knee length short was now a normal short.

Artemis flick her hair as she took a look at Megan, she pondered for a while before she could answer Megan. "I'll see what I can do" she stated as she bends down to take her phone on the bed, she looks on the time and put her phone to her short.

Megan grab Artemis hand with a puppy look on her eyes, Artemis glared at Megan as she slaps her hand. "What??" Artemis ask with slight annoyance on her tone.

"You're coming with me, right?" Megan pitifully asks as she look at Artemis's eye with puppy eyes, Artemis of course was disgusted by her. "I don't know, I have a quest today" Artemis answered Megan as she stands up straight and walk out, Megan quickly grabs Artemis waist as she walks causing her to fell down on the bed.


"Ouch" Megan let out whimpered as soon as her body fell on the ground, Artemis let out a sneered and tried to get out from Megan's hug but Megan only tightened her grip.

"Meg!! Fucking let go!" Artemis cursed as she separates Megan's hands away from her. Suddenly, Vania opened the door and saw Megan who are in the floor, clinging to Artemis waist.

"Megan let go of Art" Vania ordered Megan as she put her hands on the side of her waist. Seeing her mother ordered her, Megan quickly let go to Artemis waist.

"Art, Breakfast is already in the table" Vania looks at Artemis as she informed her, Artemis nodded with a smile on her face "Okay" she said as she walks out the door while looking at Megan with a grin on her face.


After Artemis ate breakfast, she quickly goes back to her room and took a shower. Artemis wore a black turtleneck and a black high waist trousers, a silver watch on her left wrist while wearing a diamond necklace.

Artemis walk to their garage and took her dark violet Huracán EVO RWD Spyder, she goes in the car and started the engine.

"Wait! Don't forget about me!" Megan shouted as she hurriedly run toward Artemis while hoping as she wears her shoe, she wore a beige off shoulder satin cocktail dress with expensive sling bag that matches her outfit.

"You took so long" Artemis grumbled as she complains, Megan got in on the car and let out a sigh. "Let's go and can we stop by at the café later?" Megan asks as she close the door, "No" Artemis coldly responded to her.

Megan pouts the whole time as she sulks about not getting a coffee, Artemis glance at her and went straight to the hotel. It took 30 minutes for them to arrive at their destination, Artemis park her car on the hotel.

'Right, I have to let someone take my car that was park on the other side' Artemis thought as she gets out from her car while Megan does the same, they enter the hotel as the staff greeted them happily.

"It's been a while since I've come here" Megan blurted out as she looks around, the both of them entered the elevator as Artemis input the passcode.

The two waited for the elevator to go down, the two chatted as they wait. Just as when the elevator opened, Artemis got a call.

"Why did you call me?" Artemis as she put her phone on her ear, as Megan knew who called her, she walks near Artemis to eavesdrop.

"The client is here already, where are you?" Honey ask as her voice could be heard through the speaker, Artemis took a glance at her watch, it's 7:25 in the morning.

The two walks out the elevator while Artemis is still on phone, "I'm already here in the underground, we'll arrive at your office in a minute" Artemis responded to Honey as they walk.

Hearing the word 'We', Honey was surprised to hear it as Artemis work alone ever since that incident. "We—" before Honey could question her, Artemis hang up on her.

The client was slight dumbfounded to Honey's reaction, although they heard Foster's reputation on the underground, they still felt kind of disappoint to Foster's phone call to Honey.

After a couple of minutes waiting, the door was suddenly opened. The client saw two beautiful woman, one that have a cheerful expression wearing an off-shoulder cocktail dress with coffee on her hand while the other person wore a black turtle neck and a black high waist trousers with a pair of black boots as she also had a coffee on her hand.

"I'm here" Artemis informed them as she walks toward the couch and sat down while Megan wave at Honey as she sat down beside Artemis.

"Miss Stone, you're also here, so this is what Foster meant when she said we" Honey smile professionally as she looks at Megan then at Artemis.

"I'm here to get more information about your quest" Artemis stated as she looks at her client, while taking a sip from her coffee.

"Ah yes, I hired a professional informer and I have his information here" the client spoke as they took out the document and place it on the table, Artemis pick up the document and began to read it.

Being Megan, she looks at the document as well. The client was confused as for why Foster had a partner when it was rumored that she has been taking quest alone.

Honey notices the confused look of the client and decided to explain it to them, "Don't worry, they're siblings and I assure you that Foster here are doing this alone" Honey smile at them as she explained.

After hearing the explanation giving by Honey, the client let out a sigh of relieve on their heart.

Artemis almost finish the document when she saw the location of the party that the target was going today, Megan and Artemis took a quick glance at each other before Artemis put the document back to the table.

'What a fucking coincidence, Belle Thompsons, Megan and my shitty target are going to the same party' Artemis thought to herself calmly as she took another sip of her coffee while Megan took two sips.

"I'll assure you client that I will take back your things and might as well try that fucking bonus that you've put" Artemis informed her client as she let out a small smile at the end of her sentence, the client felt the sudden urge to run due to the terrifying look that they saw on Artemis.

"Ahem, Yes I will be waiting" the client cough as they responded to Artemis, the client slowly took the document before standing up.

They took a glance at Artemis and saw her sharp eye looking at her, they bow to Artemis then turn back "Inform me when it's done, Miss Honey" they added as they left the room.

"You've scared the client" Honey blurted out as she leaned back to her chair while glancing at Artemis, Artemis just rolled her eyes and took an apple on the fruit bowl that was place at the top of the table beside the couch that they're sitting.

"Gosh~ you know Honey it's a coincidence that I will be going to a party where Arty's target at" Megan shared what she's thinking as she took a sip from her coffee, Honey moves her chair near Megan to hear more gossip.

'they're going to gossip until two hours later, I should go to the shop to see what dress are their selling' thinking of what she thought as she look at the two who are happily gossiping to each other, Artemis stand up from her seat and walk out "I'm going to the store" Artemis announced as she closed the door while the two only nod at Artemis word and went back to their gossip.