Chapter 16

"Are you okay being alone?" Artemis asks when Belle said to the two that she's going to the restroom.

"Of course! I can protect myself you know" Belle responded with a confident smile on her face.

"What about you Felicia?" Belle asks, she looks at Felicia.

"Hm? Oh! Yeah, I'm fine~" Felicia seems to be in a daze before responding to Belle.

The two stare at Felicia, they look at each other before Belle lets out a sigh.

"You should go to the doctor, you're quite traumatized from what happened earlier" Artemis spoke to Felicia in a worried tone, she pats Felicia's shoulder while giving a worried smile.

"Here's the doctor if you ever need one Felicia" Belle took out her phone and gave the contact number of a certain doctor.

"No, no! I'm not traumatized~" Felicia refused as she waves both of her hands, letting out a helpless smile.

Without a warning, Artemis stretches out her hands towards Felicia's face. Felicia flinch, she immediately took a step backward and put herself in a defense form.

"See, even this kind of movement makes you flinch" Artemis let out a sigh, she patted Felicia's head with a worried smile on her face.

"Aminah is right, you should take a rest for now and I will explain it to the principal" Belle also spoke in a worried tone, she looks at Felicia with an encouraging smile.

Felicia couldn't refuse anymore, she let out a sigh before agreeing to them.

"Haa, you guys are right" Felicia let out a beaming smile with a defeated face. "Thank you, guys," she thanks the two from the bottom of her heart.

"Since there is no more problem, I have to go now" Artemis smile, she turns her back at them while waving her hand as she walks out.

"Wait! Where are you going?" Belle asks, she subconsciously grabs Artemis's wrist.

Artemis looks back, she looks at her hand first before looking at Belle with a smile on her face.

"I'm going to the principal to let him know about Felicia, you should go to class Belle or the professor might get mad at you~" Artemis explained, she pokes Belle's forehead with a charming smile.

Her round glasses help her face become more charming from Belle's perspective. 'Ahhh!! Why are you like this!' Belle thought to herself, she covers her forehead as well as her eyes.

Belle could feel her cheeks heating up. It took her a couple of seconds before calming down. She looks up and saw Artemis back fading from the hallway.

"Ah, she left" Belle muttered, she slumps her shoulder but stiffened when she realized Felicia is also there.

"Hehe, someone here got a cr—" Felicia let out a chuckle but before she could finish her word, Belle push her hand into Felicia's mouth to stop her furthermore.

"Stop! Let's just go to class!" Belle's face dyed redder than before; she immediately pulls Felicia's hand.

"EHH~ but I'm excused right?! You just said that a while ago!" Felicia fuss as Belle continues to pull her.

"They're lively as ever" the students around the hall whisper to each other with a smile on their faces.


"Gather some drones to observe Belle and the accomplice of the delinquents" Artemis spoke to Agent 3L1 in low voice, walking toward her car.

[Got it]

Agent 3L1 didn't take the drone that was following Artemis but take from the quarters.

Artemis arrives at her car. She opens her trunk and took some clothes; Artemis also took out some paper and pen from the storage compartment.

Artemis began to write something from the paper, she then looks at the drone hiding not far from her position. The drone approach Artemis, the distance isn't far and only reaches Artemis eye level.

"Give this to the principal" Artemis whisper where Agent 3L1 can hear, she sticks the paper to the top of the drone before letting it go.

Artemis took out her phone and opened the map of the school, although she had already memorized every inch and corner of the school layout, she had to take the map as it shows the locations of the student in the hologram.

After a while, Artemis turn off her phone and took the bag full of clothes before closing the car door. Artemis put the bag over her shoulder before walking toward the garden of the school where the small maze is.

After Artemis enters the maze, she walks around for a while before stopping at the corner of the maze.

As Artemis changes, something snaps. She let out a frustrated sigh before thinking as she changes her outfit.

'I'm sick of changing my outfit every time, I buy or create a tech that can let you change immediately' Artemis thought to herself as she wore her gloves and pull up her mask to her nose.

Artemis wore a white turtle neck shirt and beige trousers along with white combat boots.

Artemis frowned while removing her glasses and her wig. She took out the pins on her hair as she let it flow down, Artemis ran her hand to her hair while touching the petal of the rose on the bush.

'Rose…I should give them a bouquet of roses next week' Artemis lost in thought continues to stare at the rose.

It didn't take her a while to come back to her senses, she packs her clothes and wig on the bag. At the corner of her eyes, she saw the drone come back. Artemis waited for the drone to approach her before grabbing the bag from the ground and placing it on the drone.

Agent 3L1 didn't need Artemis to order him, he immediately control the drone and headed toward Artemis's car. Artemis open the hologram on her watch, a hologram pop.

Artemis click on the car icon and the model of her car appeared; she then clicks her back door of her car.

'Hmm, 20 seconds' Artemis thought as she glace at the drone, Artemis look back at the hologram and set the door to open at 15 seconds before removing the hologram.

There are plenty of students hanging around the garden, some of them started entering the maze as they talk to their friends.

"You heard about the accident in the cafeteria?" the female gossiped to her friend, she touches the rose but didn't pluck it.

"Hm? Oh, yeah, I heard it was crazy out there but luckily no one has hurt except for the delinquents" the other female student was in a daze for a moment before answering.

"I heard it was Belle and Aminah beat up those delin—Woah! that scared me" the girl continues to gossip. When she heard something rustling on the bushes, she couldn't help but look at the bush to see who it was.

Artemis went straight to the bush; she saw two students had a terrible look on their faces as if they'd seen a ghost.

Her sharp eyes stare at the student before nodding to them and walking straight to the bush, again.

The two student hands suddenly felt cold, legs trembling. They both supported themselves to avoid falling, they let out a sigh after knowing that Artemis left.

"Who's that person! She scared the shit out of me!" the student cursed, she could feel her heartbeat palpitate.

"No idea but I thought she was a tall ghost for a second…"


"Ah fuck, that gaze my skin…shit" Artemis cursed when she saw some small cuts on her arms, she grabbed a tissue from her pocket and wipe it on her arms before throwing it into a nearby trash can.

"What in the fuck are they doing in the convenience store? Are they fucking dumb?" Artemis muttered to herself as she curses when she saw the location of the accomplice of the delinquents.

After confirming their location, Artemis took out her air pod, play some pop music.

The convenience store is just a road away from the school. Artemis walks toward the building; she looks around for a moment before jumping.

The wall is seventh feet high and Artemis is 6'5 feet, Artemis jump is extremely high that it was easy for her.

With one fell swoop, Artemis is on the other side of the wall. She looks around and saw no one, Artemis fix her shirt before walking straight to the convenience store.

"Welcome" the cashier saw Artemis walk in while Artemis nodded back.

Artemis glances at the aisle and outside of the convenience store. Artemis stop looking around and went to the candy aisle, she grabs a pack of sweet, sour, and bitter flavored candy while also grabbing some drinks.

Artemis walked toward the cashier, place the candy on the counter. "A pack of cigarettes please" Artemis spoke, pointing to the expensive brand of cigarettes.

"That will be 50-dollar Miss" after the cashier scan the items, she politely informs Artemis of her bill while packing the items on the paper bag.

Artemis took her right glove before placing her thumb on the counter, a light appears before a notification sounded that came from the counter.


The counter scans Artemis's thumb before the light disappears. She then put back her gloves in her hand before taking the paper bag and exiting the convenience store.

Artemis sat down on one of the empty seats outside the convenience store. She put down her mask, unpacking the newly brought cigarette.

Artemis took a piece of cigarette and place it on the middle of her index and middle finger. She places the cigarette on her mouth while her watch on her other arm pops up a small light in the middle.

Artemis draws near her watch to her cigar, lighting it up. After lighting up the cigarette, the small lighter on her watch disappear and got back from the normal watch.

As Artemis smoke, she'll occasionally glance at the two men on the other side of the convenience store.

Artemis remove the cigarette from her mouth, exhaling all the smoke. Her action creates a great masterpiece for the people who saw her.

Her sharp grey eyes blend on the smoke, like a king smoking as he looks down on his courtiers, sitting on his majestic throne with his majestic outfit.

That's what they saw at Artemis as she smokes.

'Haaa, I need to hurry up' Artemis let out a puff of smoke as she thought to herself.

Artemis place her feet at the top of the table while casually smoking, she glances sideways and the two men didn't move, still talking.

When she saw the other man take out something from his pants and about to give it to the other man, Artemis took out her cigarette from her mouth and place it on the middle of her fingers.

Artemis stands up, she slowly walks toward them. The people who are watching from the side saw Artemis walking straight to the two men thought she was a villain confronting the hero.

"You're under arrest for illegal possession of a firearm" Artemis spoke as she inhales the smoke on her cigarette, showing her police "badge" to the two.

The two men's eyes widen when they heard Artemis's word, their hands began to sweat when they saw the "Badge" on her hand.

"What do you mean miss? Are playing a prank on us?!" the man shouted, pointing his finger at Artemis.

The other man looks at the man who shouted, it didn't take him a whole hour to realize what was happening.

"Yeah! It's bad playing pranks miss and that's a fake badge" he spoke, he stands up from his sit and cross his arm.

"…" Artemis didn't answer, she glances to the side and saw some other people recording them. Artemis grab her phone; she began to type on her phone while ignoring the two men.

'That should do it' Artemis thought as she took another inhale from her cigarette, still typing on her phone.

The man who points his finger at Artemis couldn't stand him being ignored, he stood up, when he saw Artemis standing in front of them when he's sitting, he didn't expect Artemis to be tall.

This even makes him angrier, what a petty man.

He walks toward Artemis while shouting, he saw her ignoring him as she still types on her phone. He points his finger on Artemis's face but due to Artemis being 10 inches high compared to the man, he had to slightly lookup.

With all the shouting along with the other man and pointing, Artemis continued to ignore the two men and continue to type on her phone.

Something snaps from the man, he pushes Artemis cheeks with his finger and that's when Artemis looks at him, giving a death stare.

The man was frightened but didn't let go of his finger that are still touching Artemis's cheek.

Artemis put back her phone to her pocket, grab the man's finger out of her face and snap its bone like a twig.

The man screams in pain, he immediately grabs his hand and kneels in pain. The other man saw it, he was bewildered but quickly realize what Artemis had done to his brother.

He glared at Artemis; he lunches his fist to Artemis's face but failed when he felt something oozing from his forehead and following the pain and heat that he felt.

When Artemis saw the man approaching her, she lifts her arm where it's holding her cigarette and deeply push it into the man's forehead, burning his forehead with the cigarette without moving an inch.

"AAAAGGGGHHHHH!!!" the man screams along with the other man's scream. He instinctively crouches down and touches his forehead, tears started forming in the corner of his eyes.

Artemis saw this opportunity; she immediately kicks his knee hard causing the man to fall to the ground.

Artemis places her feet on the man's back, he keeps struggling to get up. Artemis took another inhale from her cigarette and exhale before throwing the cigarette on the nearby trashcan.

She grabbed her phone in her pocket, calling some military employees from her company to get here.

The Fox company which is Artemis's birth mother's company is the biggest in the world while Thompson company is the second in the world, many branches have been placed all around the world so as this city.

"I need unit 99 on here" Artemis spoke, after giving the address, unit 99 arrive within 5 minutes.

When the people on the side saw what happened, they couldn't believe what was happening. So, when they saw Artemis calling someone, they couldn't help but stay.

Artemis glanced at them before taking another cigarette but she didn't light up the cigarette, only put it on her mouth while nibbling it.

The people who saw her glace flinch, immediately step back but continued to watch while the others continue to record.

After 5 minutes of waiting, the people saw cars heading in their direction. When they took a closer look, a bunch of men and women in military uniform got out of the cars and headed toward Artemis.

"Get this two out of my fucking sight and bring them to the basement" Artemis spoke as she waves her hand.

"Yes Miss" they spoke in unison that only they can hear. They immediately took the man who was still screaming on his broken finger while Artemis let go of his feet and went back to her table to grab her bought things.

The man with a burned forehead took advantage of being free but quickly pass out when the woman soldiers the back of his neck with a knife chop on her hand. They began to drag two men onto the car and sat down patiently while some soldier stays to talk to Artemis.

"What about them miss?" the woman soldier asks as she points her thumb to the people who are watching at the side.

When they saw the woman soldier point in their direction, they immediately flinch and ran away.

"No need, I already corrupted their file, they can't watch the video that they took earlier" Artemis lazily answer, she waves her hand before walking away and headed straight to the entrance gate of the school with a paper bag on her arm.