5- Monster

( When fate is so painful that you refuse what it imposes on you, fate forces you to live alone and broken, to take all your happiness from you, to take the colors of your life and leave you alone, to take who you used to live for, to take who was the reason for your happiness, that it is a painful thing that only those who tasted fate and cruelty know. When you lose the one you love, you feel that you no longer want to live in this cruel life that has nothing left for you to lose, as they say, a person who has everything he is afraid to lose can defeat someone who has nothing to lose...)

Chris reached Ethan two hours later

"Finally you came!!"

He blinked bored after passing him to get into the car

"Why are you treating me like your chauffeur!!...hey Ethan wait for me!"

go up next to him

"Please stop whining, my head will explode and you're making it worse."

"Oh...didn't you take your medicine?"

"I did, but... the pain doesn't go away."

He closed his eyes, placing his hand in front of his chest, leaning his head against the window

"Wake me up when we arrive."

" Okay "

They got home three hours later

"Ethan, wake up, we're here."

Chris Ethan tapped his shoulder to slowly open his eyes

" we have arrived....."

"It's getting late, come inside."

"No, I'll drive home, you know, I have papers I haven't done, and you won't have mercy on me if I don't do it."

"You're running away to go spend your night...Go Chris, don't let me see your face."

"Huh, believe me, I'm not running from you, man.... I told you I had to go and finish your damn work!!"

He blinked nervously to stare at him

"Hey, bye my friend."

Smiling lightly the way Kris never fails to make him smile

He said goodbye to him and then went home

He ignored the maid's speech and went up to his room

He went all over his body with his clothes under the water

He raised the temperature of the water and sat under it

[Haa.....today I was going to kill this stupid girl..until this moment I don't know what happened. There just wasn't me....a moment I wanted to kill her so badly and Another moment I felt afraid for someone for a long time.. her looks at me made me unable to speak, she looked at me like a monster!!]

exhale air tightly,

His chest began to rise and fall from the cold water

After an hour, get up and turn off the water

He looked at his face in the mirror, talking to the same person he killed years ago

" what do you want now?! "

'Huh, nothing. You're the one you want, not me, and now tell me, are you going to ask me the same question again?'

" Yes "

I told you so much stop behaving like this.....you are the one who makes things worse Ethan you ruin everything with your act confirm what others say you assure them you are a monster..tell me are you happy?!!!! Are you like that?! '

"No.....I am suffering here…..I suffer alone and no one knows this and damn it I don't know why this pain and this feeling increases every day, I just want it to go away but I can't accept one"

'You better start now, lest you end up alone, a beast, as they say.'

" I can not..."

'Ha, irony, you didn't try and tell me you can't... you're afraid.. afraid to try again!!!!! '

He leaned his hand on the basin, lowering his head

'You're the only one who can change this feeling, Ethan, believe me. If you don't help yourself, you won't find anyone to do.... You won't find anyone who can handle your anger, your agitation, your endless doubts, your insults and...'

"Stop, I know all of this"

'Haha good...good night bad Ethan'

After he finished taking a shower, he changed his clothes and then lay on the bed, closing his eyes tiredly

Suddenly he remembers Jenny's frightened look... and that he made a mistake, he should have acted, perhaps apologizing, not running like a coward.

He broke all the fake promises he made to himself

Mrs. Smith shouted at the doctor to come and help her

He and a group of nurses came quickly

They took jenny to a room and then started examining her after they put on an oxygen mask

The doctor came out of her room an hour later

" how is she?! "

Her mother quickly replied

"I gave her a sedative to calm her, she needs to sleep and rest."

"When will she wake up?!"

"According to her desire to wake up"

" What?! "

"I know, madam, this is complicated, but....these sedatives are powerful, and in a case like hers, it is she who should want to wake up."

"Is she going to be okay?!"

"Oh, don't worry, madam."

The doctor left... Mrs. Smith sat on the sofa with a tired body feeling scared, not knowing what to do

A day goes by without Jenny waking up

Mrs. Smith held her husband's funeral alone

After she finished, she came back and sat next to Jenny, holding her hand, begging her to wake up

"Jenny..please I can't lose you either. Wake up believe me I'm so tired and you're not by my side....tell me what I'll do without you Who will scream that he is hungry Who will complain about..."

She closed her eyes and sighed tiredly

"Just wake up, I miss hearing your voice."

Yoona came several times to visit her friend, sits with Mrs. Smith, reassuring her that everything will be fine

Another day passed and you didn't wake up...

Ethan stoped thinking about Jenny, after all she's nothing to him... he doesn't care about anyone

He's back to normal, the cold boss that everyone fears

Every day deals, contracts, meetings, his constant screaming that others are accustomed to

"Don't you get tired of screaming, Ethan?"

Chris frowned as he entered the office

"Stop taking these medicines. I feel they are the reason for your worsening condition."

" Get out "

Ethan said sharply while staring at the papers in front of him

"What?! Are you kidding now! I didn't say anything!"

"Out now!!!"

He yelled at him and Chris stared at him without saying a word

"I'm sorry, sir."

He bowed respectfully and then left silently

After Chris left, Ethan threw everything in front of him to the ground

He doesn't know why he feels this anger.... This feeling is starting to exhaust him a lot... screaming, anger, emotion wants to get rid of all this

He lay down on the sofa, wiping his forehead tiredly

Acting like this for years started to tire his mind after he finished hiding his heart

He listens to his soft breath while he utters a few words

[Stop...Stop being a monster...Don't hurt others Ethan...Stop pushing people away from you]

He closed his eyes in despair, as he tells himself these words every day, and everything he does is the opposite.

Jenny woke up the morning of the fourth day

She slowly opened her eyes and looked around

She realized that she was in the hospital from the smell also from the clothes she was wearing

She raised her upper body to straighten her seat

Tears rolled down her cheeks silently as she remembered what had happened

She didn't move or blink just the tears don't stop

Half an hour later, her mother entered the room


She blinked happily after standing in front of her, not believing that she had woken up

She fell to her level, hugged her

"You woke up..., now I feel so comfortable, I would have died in terror for you."

"How are you!? Are you in pain?!"

She didn't speak, just stare at her in silence

Her mother calmed down, looking at her worriedly

"Why are you silent?! Talk to me....Jenny I'm talking to you"

"So this wasn't all a nightmare!? So Smith has left us and has already left this world!!"

She said softly, trying to muffle her gasp that came out against her will

"It's okay, my little girl.... Hmm, what do you think? Let's think that he traveled to a far place where there are no phones or any way to communicate, and the day will come when we will go to him."

"No, I just want Smith now, please, mom, huh I want him. And believe me, I will not complain, I will behave well, I will not joke, I will not cause trouble ,i won't play with kids..... If necessary, I will not work in my dream company. Just let him come back."

She ended her speech in a tone almost shriek

Her mother hugged her and gently patted her head until she calmed down

"I want to go home now..."

She broadcast in a hoarse voice

I just woke up!"

"Please hate this hospital. Let's leave."

"Okay... I'll call the doctor to do the last checks."

Jenny just shook her head

Her mother left to get the doctor

"Then Miss Jenny Twist..."

Jenny stopped him, shrugging

"My Name Is Jenny Smith"

"Mn, but that's your father's name... it says in the file that you are from the famous Twist family."

"I don't have a family, do you understand?"

Jenny said excitedly

Her mother tapped her shoulder lightly to calm down

"Calm down Jenny...nothing happened...umm I'm sorry doctor, she doesn't like being called Jenny Twist."

It's okay.. if.. your vital signs have returned to normal... Umm, you should take good care of your health from now on so that your condition does not worsen."

" Okay "

"So, I'm done here... you can leave, it's all right."

"Thank you, doctor."

Mrs. Smith went outside with the doctor to get Jenny to change her clothes

Half an hour later, Jenny finished and went out to the reception where her mother was

"Come on...let's go home."

They went to the bus stop, waited a quarter of an hour for their village bus to arrive

Mrs. Smith tried to open up any space to talk to Jenny, but nothing was quiet... just... a frightening calm. It wasn't her habit to stay like this.

They arrived at one o'clock

"I'll go up to my room"

Jenny said quietly when they got home

She went upstairs before her mother objected

She went into her room, sat on the bed, staring at the pictures of her with her father filling the room

She reached out her hand and took her favorite family picture, wiping it with her thumb, smiling sadly

"You broke your promise to me....you told me you wouldn't leave me and now what!!!...I won't see you anymore Hah why did you leave me staying up all these nights why?!! I was doing this for you...I pressured myself In everything I did not sleep I did not think of myself I endured the humiliation I was subjected to for you I did a lot to not see you sad I did a lot to achieve your dream So how do you allow yourself to leave now...."

She nodded in excitement with her endless tears

She closed her eyes tiredly, then leaned her body on the bed.

To Be Continued ♡🤗