7- Fight For My Way

" So is he a cold-hearted beast!!? "

He wondered even though he knew the answer

"Yes...and no...…"

"Yes, he has the coldest heart in the world..I can't believe..this bastard ran like a hen without apologizing to me."

"This figure has a tongue like this... How!!"

After she said a lot of incomprehensible words, she sat in his hand, sleeping quietly

He came to his house, holding her in his hand

" sir..."

Ethan stops turning his back on the maid

"Shall we... leave?"

"It's okay, she's just a guest, she'll stay here tonight, nothing else."

She just hummed for Ethan to go up to his room

He went in and put her on his bed, and stood staring at her for a moment with a mind full of questions

" it's cold here...."

She surrounded her body with her hand to get some warmth

He got the blanket and throw it at her carelessly

He moved away from her to change his clothes

Below, everyone started whispering about his strange behavior

No one has entered his room before..... He gives entry permission when cleaning this is the only case that someone enters his room, when he attends one of his bitches he puts them in other rooms and not his

Ethan sat next to her remembering her speech, not feeling angry, not wanting to scream at this moment

He sees another body sleeping on his bed, and this makes him feel happy, makes him feel accomplished

He waved his hand hesitantly, lifting the tufts of her hair that concealed her face to reveal her childish features

He smiled because of her faint moan

"A girl with a rude tongue..... Umm I like it"

He got up to leave but her hand stopped him

"Don't go... Please don't leave."

She was holding his hand and he just didn't know what to do.

He Lift the lid and lay next to her

She smiled lightly at what he did... She wrapped her hand around him and then raised her head and placed it on his chest

He raised his hand in response, away from her body.

He tried to take her hand away from him, but she didn't

"Ha... I can't believe what's happening to me now this idiot treats me like I'm her father...."

"He's not a monster..um.. he's not okay. He's suffering alone... like me."

His heart raced when he heard this

He got up from her side... and stared at her with scattered feelings

He put his hand on his chest....

[What is happening with you!!?....Why are you in pain in this way now, just two words that created this conflict with you]

He went to the balcony, sat down, took out his cigarette and put it in his mouth, reluctant to smoke it.

He started taking looks at her...thinking and at the same time not doing

[Why am I leaving...this is my room and she's the one who stuck to me I couldn't leave her... at least I should have put her in any room other than this but... she really loses my control Myself..I don't know if I can not go near her and touch her]

[Another challenge for you Ethan Wells to see how long you won't touch her!! ]

And here the devil is back again to create more miserable challenges for him

He slides her lightly and lays down to sleep on the other side

He turned his face towards her, placing his hand under his head. He loves what he's doing....now

[Although I do not believe in fate, but I really believe that fate hates you because it made you meet someone like me...believe me, a demon and an angel cannot meet in one place without causing the loss of one of them]

After hours of staring at her, he closed his eyes to sleep.

Jenny got up at eight.

She straightened up and closed her eyes

She rubbed her head drowsily while yawning

She opened her eyes... idlely

She screamed when she realized that she was not at home

Ethan woke up screaming and she really shouldn't have woken him that way

"Where am I... am I in Hell?! Why is everything so black in here? Did I die?!!! Mom"

She asked, on the verge of tears

"So...you woke up, get out of here."

She turned to the source of Ethan's angry voice

"What are you doing here?!!!!!"

She reacted with emotion, consulting him

"You... you brought me here... Oh what did you do to me!!!"

She looked at her body anxiously, checking her clothes

She sighed with relief when she saw that she was fully dressed

"Stop screaming"

added sharply

"You brought me to your damn house!!!..."

"Maybe... I should have left you with them.... That's when I was hoping to see you update!!"

He laughed sarcastically... to put her hand on her head because of her headache

"Believe me, it would have been better for you to leave me with them... than to stay in a room like this with people like you, a killer who doesn't know how to apologize for his crime...."

She held her hand in front of her chest and said coldly

He slowly approached her until her back hit the door

" What do you do "

She said cut off after his face came close to her

"Believe me, little girl, I have no reason to bear your curse, so you better respect me."

"Hey, idiots like you don't deserve respect."

"Mm, then, be afraid of me because you don't know who I am or what I can do with you."

"Oh, are you going to kill me?!! Don't worry I know you can do this...come on go ahead!"

she said angrily

"So the end of the poem you know I can kill you and none of your shit knows you're here in my house so the hell get out of the house before I lose my nerve on scum like you."

He gritted his teeth before taking a step back to allow her a chance to leave

"Huh, as if I'd rather stay here. Look at this room, it doesn't differentiate anything from hell...just staying in it feels like death... also for your information, you are the scum and not me."

That was the last thing she said before walking out of the room

Ethan sat on the bed, holding his hand to prevent himself from screaming and smashing around him

[Don't scream...no... scream stop screaming calm down Ethan...nothing happened she's just a crazy bitch and now she's gone...the irony she may have left my house but she definitely won't get out of my hell]

After an hour, he got up and changed his clothes and went to his company.

"Oh my head, my head is going to explode..."

She said tiredly after being away from his house

She pulled out her phone to find many calls from her mother and Yoona

"Where the fuck are you?"

It was the first thing Yona said when she answered

Jenny put the phone away from her ear for a moment

"Calm down, Yoona...don't scream like that."

"Really!!! You want me not to scream!!? I don't believe you Jenny....what's going on with you?! Do you know what happened even to tell me calming down...your mom has been looking for you since yesterday..I went to the police station and I did a lot and You're telling me to calm down!!! We were dying of fear and you...."

Jennie hung up the phone...going to the bus stop

She leaned her head against the window, not knowing what to do now

She stood in front of her house, catching her breath before entering

" mum "

Mrs. Smith quickly ran out when she heard her voice


Before she could complete she was slapped by her mother

"It really seems that I didn't raise you well....you're staying out of the house and coming back now!!!! So that's how you return the favor to me after your father's death....you'd better stop it Jenny...maybe I'll let it go." It passes, but believe me, if it happens again, I will not allow this, do you hear!?"

"I'm not young anymore go back and do whatever I want!!"

She screamed before going to her room

She closed the door behind her hard, leaning on it tiredly

went and sat in the corner of her room

[Ironically, here I am sitting in the corner of my room suffering from things I do not know, a feeling I do not understand, my heart is almost crumbling..and my mind has lost a large part of it....My dreams have evaporated. I did not want this to happen..but it happened..I didn't want To stay alone and stay, I promised myself strength and fight... I bore many insults, but at the first stop I stumbled and got tired... ..]

She buried her head in her hands, crying silently. She feels as if she is in a maze. She wants to get out, but she is afraid.. Her map has been burned.. She evaporated as if she did not exist!! When she tried to draw another one, all she received was a bitter failure

After she finished, she got up, took the medicine from the table and took it. After a while, she curled her body on the bed to go back to sleep by escaping from the painful reality into a terrible delusion. ...

Ethan called Kress and tell him to cancel today's meetings, he's not coming."

"Are you going there now?!!!"

Ethan just hummed

" When will you be back?!"

" I don't know, but I won't be late."

"Okay...if you need anything, call me."

" Okay "

"Take care of yourself, Ethan... bye."

After he closed with Chris he drove to his most comfortable place there

He stood outside staring at the place...

[ It's been a long time..]

He blinked softly before stepping inside.

Jenny looked at her watch when she opened her eyes

"What! Did I sleep all this?"

She messed up her hair in annoyance....After a few minutes she got up and took a shower

She went down, blushing her lips with a frown like a child

"Mom, I'm hungry"

Sitting at the table staring at her mother

"Mom... are you still mad at me?! huh, you know I don't mean any of this, I'm just.... I'm going through a tough time. I know it's not your fault... so I apologize."

She finished with a smile

"I promise I'll start over, I'll look for a job and fight for you."

"All I want is to see you happy ... to be what you dreamed of."

"Haha, okay, now where's the food?"

"I didn't get anything today."

" what?!!!! "

She opened her mouth in shock, about to cry

"How.. where is my food... I can't believe you know I love it... the most important thing for me is food then...."

"Stop, stop, I was kidding you."

"Oh mom"

" do not scream!! "

"Haha, well, I love you now, so get it quickly, I'm starving."

Her mother went to get food

Her smile gradually disappeared

"I have to fight for her. She is all I have left now...I will bear everything. I don't want to be a burden to her. I must fight for my way."

She said softly

"Are you talking to me?!"

"Huh no....oh my favorite food, thank you mom"

"Eat slowly so your stomach doesn't hurt."

" Okay "

Jenny finished eating, got up and washed the dishes

"Mom, I'm done, I'm going to go to my room."

" Okay "

She called Yuna after getting up to apologize for closing in her face

" what will you do now?! "

Jenny sighed, lost in silence, not knowing what to say

"Um...I don't know what to do or what will happen to me just now.. I can't think."

"Don't worry everything will be fine... Where is my stubborn girl who likes to be first in everything!!"

"It's gone... I feel like a big part of me is gone. The passion that brought me to who I am has gone huh, the irony, even he dumped me."

"Since when have you been so pessimistic!! Oh this is my favorite part, you won't steal it!"

"Haha, okay, Miss Yuna, and now.. I'm going to shut down. I want to sleep."

"Oh Jenny don't forget the results will come out next week

Next "

"I know, so I'll wait and see what happens."

"Haha, are you making fun of me..it's definitely settled, you'll still be the first, okay."

"Okay, stop chatting, bye."

She threw the phone beside her carelessly, laying on the bed trying to think of anything but emptiness

She hits her foot in the air, annoyed by what's going on

Jenny waited at her house for a week, doing nothing.. She spent days without stepping outside and other days for a walk in the village to get some fresh air.

Jenny sleeps on her mother's feet messing with her hair while they watch TV

Someone knocked on the door hard and Jenny got up to see who

"As I told you, first place will always be in your name."

She smiled happily when she saw Yuna standing in front of her while holding her papers

They hugged each other warmly, jumping around

"well done my little girl"

"So, Miss Jenny, after the results come out, you will go to apply for your dream job...."

To Be Continued ♡🤗