Chapter 02 - Where's Mia?

Blaze and Vicky were following Dia out to the streets. It was night, and the streets were filled with lights. The buildings had advertisements displayed on them, the buses too had advertisements on them. The trio were outside their small apartment in the city. Vicky walked to the garage and opened it. The garage had two cars, and two speed bikes.

"We'll use the bikes," Vicky said.

"But there's only two," Rachel said, with a pouty face.

"Looks like you're gonna have to ride with me," Vicky said. They got on the bikes. Vicky was riding, and Rachel was in the back. Blaze was riding another bike.

"I'll mark the navigation to the start of the race," Rachel said.

"I'll beat you to it," Blaze said with a smile as soon as Rachel set the marker on the navigation, and rode off. Vicky casually followed after him. The garage closed, and on a nearby light stand, a poster of Vicky's in-game character 'Icicle' was pasted, with the word "WANTED" written on top.

"Why can't I drive?" Rachel asked holding on to the bike, while Vicky was manoeuvring through traffic.

"Cause the last time you did, I ended up flying through the windscreen," Vicky replied.

"Well, that's why you're supposed to wear your seatbelt," Rachel said.

"It's a videogame, not a safety first game," Vicky said.

"But it's virtual reality," Rachel said, and after a brief moment of silence asked "What's that?" as a faint siren could be heard.

"The police," Vicky said as the red and blue lights from the police car reflected on the side mirrors of the bike.

"Guys, we got cops on our tail," Blaze said.

"Yeah. It's not like we can't see them," Rachel replied.

"We need to split up, Blaze," Vicky said.

"Fair enough. See you there," Blaze said, and took a turn away from Vicky and Rachel.

"What are we gonna do?" Rachel asked.

"Calm down, and get rid of these guys. We can't take them to the races," Vicky said.

"Do you need me to shoot?" Rachel asked.

"How much ammo do you have?" Vicky asked tilting the bike from left to right as they evaded the police, and avoided colliding with other vehicles.

"Eh! Not much. I'm only level twenty remember," Rachel said.

"And this is why I told Mia not to get you into this," Vicky said.

"What happened to using in-game aliases?" Rachel asked.

"Could you stop asking questions? I'm busy trying to not get us killed or arrested. Thank you," Vicky said, and Rachel sat quietly in the back, holding on to Vicky.

They came to an intersection, where a container carrier was crossing.

"VICKY! THE CONTAINER CARRIER!" Rachel screamed, as Vicky tilted the bike, and grabbed Rachel, as they slid under the container carrier unharmed.

"I think they're gone," Vicky said, after riding a bit further, as another patrol car spotted them, and started pursuit.

"You and your big mouth," Rachel said.

"Me and my big mouth, indeed," Vicky said.

"Uh guys!... I could use some help here," Blaze said on the earpiece.

"Dia! I'm gonna need you to shoot. Aim for the tyres," Vicky said.

"You got it," Rachel said taking two pistols out from the side of her hips and bent back on the bike, and started opening fire at the police car. Her bullet hit the tyre, and the car lost control, and came to an abrupt halt.

"I think you're getting better. I'm actually proud," Vicky said.

"Woohoo! Making you proud makes me happy," Rachel said standing up on the bike with her hands waving in excitement.

"Stop attracting unwanted attention," Vicky said annoyed.

"Oh! OH… Sorry," Rachel whispered sitting down again.

"Blaze! Where are you?" Vicky asked on the earpiece. There was no answer.

"Blaze?" Rachel asked.

"Can you track him?" Vicky asked.

"That I can do," Rachel said, and pulled up a head-up display in front of her face. She pressed a few buttons, and screamed "FOUND HIM!"

"What? Where?" Vicky asked.

"Marking on navigations now," Rachel said. Vicky followed the navigation marker that Rachel set.

They arrived at an alley, and found Blaze injured next to his bike, hiding from the police.

"You okay?" Vicky said stopping the bike and walking towards Blaze.

"She's here," Blaze said, tired and panting.

"Who?" Vicky asked, crouching next to Blaze.

"Me," a familiar voice said.