Chapter 05 - The Prison

Vicky woke up in the game world, in their safe house. She walked out of her room, only to be greeted by a soldier holding a gun to her head.

"You," Vicky said.

"I'm sorry. Am I supposed to remember you?" the soldier asked. He was holding an assault rifle, and had a sniper strapped to his back, alongside a pistol on his leg holster, and a tactical knife, on the other leg.

"You killed my brother," Vicky said.

"I've killed a lot of people. I don't recall all of them," the soldier said. Vicky kicked the gun from his hand, and tried to run, but the soldier grabbed her. She hit the soldier in the face with her other hand, but he still would not let her go. He was stronger than her and threw her to the wall. Vicky crashed into the wall and fell on the ground.

"You picked the wrong day to mess with me," Vicky said taking out her two karambits. She charged at the soldier, trying to slice him. He evaded all her attacks, and punched her.

"Did you even unlock your powers yet?" the soldier asked, unarming Vicky. He dropped the blades on the ground, and shoved Vicky near the wall, trapping her. "I'm not leaving here empty handed," the soldier said. Vicky pulled her sword out.

"Well. I'm not going down without a fight," Vicky said. She took a fighting stance, and the two of them charged at each other. The soldier had no sword, and was only able to survive by evading Vicky's attacks. He tried to throw a few punches, but Vicky was not stopping with the attacks, so all he could do was defend himself. As soon as the soldier saw an opening in Vicky's attacks, he hit her with the gun, and kept on attacking. Vicky was struggling to defend herself, due to his fighting style.

After some time of fighting each other, the two seemed tired. The soldier pulled out a stun gun and shot it at Vicky. Vicky fell to the ground, and couldn't get back up. The soldier walked to Vicky, and looked at her, he grabbed her hands, and hand-cuffed her.

"I've got Icicle," the soldier said to his earpiece.

"Bring her to the prison," a female voice said on the earpiece.

"Roger that," the soldier said, and pulled Vicky up. "Looks like you're going to prison," he said.

"Ironic isn't it? You get to kill people, and all I did was help people," Vicky said, as the soldier took her outside.

"Last time I checked there was a trail of dead bodies leading to you," the soldier said.

"How do you do it? You shoot people in the game, they die in the real world too?" Vicky asked, as he put her in the back seat of his car.

"That's a question for another time," the soldier said with a smirk, and shut the door. The shutters on the car were tinted, and a black divider, divided the front and back seats.

The soldier took Vicky to a highly classified prison. There were so many soldiers guarding the entrance to the prison, it seemed impossible to break into.

The car came to a halt, as Vicky was trying to figure out where the soldier was taking her. Vicky sat patiently, trying to eavesdrop on the conversation happening outside the vehicle, but she could barely hear anything. The door opened, and the soldier pulled Vicky out of the car.

"Captain Daze, the commander wants to meet you and the prisoner in the barracks," another soldier said walking up to the soldier who captured Vicky.

"Daze? Really?" Vicky mumbled with a smirk.

"What?" Captain Daze asked.

"Nothing?" Vicky said.

"The commander wants to see you. That's not good you know. She has a way of interrogating prisoners that no one talks about," Captain Daze said. Vicky looked at him quietly. "You know I never really understood you. I tried following all the leads. You are intriguing. Crystal was just telling me how you can be very hard to understand sometimes," he said taking her to the barracks. They had a bit of a distance to walk to the barrack.

"So you have her here?" Vicky asked.

"Didn't say we did," Captain Daze replied. "She told us everything. Her real name is Mia Wilson. You are Vicky Mitchel. She has a younger sister Rachel Wilson, and that her mother is a widow. You're an orphan. Honestly I didn't expect her to break that easy, but she did. I wonder, how long you would last?" the Captain said.

"If you keep talking like that, I might as well break now," Vicky said sarcastically.

"Oh don't worry. I won't be there to see you break. That's the commander's job," Captain Daze said. They reached the doors to the barracks, two soldiers stood guard and opened the door.

As they entered the barracks, the commander, dressed in a black t-shirt and camo pants, stood waiting for them. The barracks was otherwise empty. It looked more like an empty warehouse than a barracks.

"I've been waiting for you. For a very long time," the commander said.

"Commander Claire," Captain Daze said. Vicky looked astonished at both the commander and the captain.

"What's wrong?" the commander asked looking at Vicky, as she came closer to Vicky and punched her.

"I heard you broke Crystal," Vicky said with a smile.

"I did. I'm going to do the same to you," the commander taunted. Vicky stared at her, and she held her hand out, and held Vicky's head. The commander's hand started glowing red, and Vicky passed out. "Take her to the cells," the commander said. The captain gave Vicky to two soldiers who were taking a break outside. The soldiers took Vicky inside a large building that was at the centre of the base. The building had many floors. The soldier took Vicky on an elevator, and into a room filled with cells. The cells had three sides covered by walls, and the entrance was a force field that can be switched on and off. Vicky was put into one of the cells. As the soldiers left, Mia who was in cell in front of Vicky's looked at Vicky.

"Vicky! Vicky!" Mia shouted, looking at a passed out Vicky.