Chapter 26 - Fallen From the Skies

The group walked into the plaza, and got onto an elevator. Clara selected the highest level on the elevator. The doors to the elevator were about to close, when a sound of a huge explosion echoed across the plaza, the whole plaza shook. Vicky blocked the elevator doors with her hand.

"What was that?" Mia asked. Vicky listened for a while; everything was quiet. The atmosphere in the plaza had changed, all the players were silent, until a growling of humans were heard, through the doors of the plaza, a horde of zombies broke through. All the players took out their weapons, and rallied together to attack the zombies.

"This is not a good place to be boxed in by zombies," Vicky said, arming herself with her sword. The team charged out of the elevator, attacking the zombies in the plaza.

"Players! This is Manic. Welcome to your new zombie survival game. If you get killed by a zombie, you might die in reality too, so start defending yourselves," Manic's voice could be heard throughout the game.

"You think Manic had something to do with this?" Mia asked pulling her axe out of a zombie's head.

"Maybe," Vicky said, slicing a zombie in half.

"Wouldn't this be a good time to use your new weapon?" Rachel asked, kicking back a zombie. Vicky decapitated the zombie, aiding Rachel.

"It's a special weapon, used for special purposes," Vicky said, defending herself from more zombies.

"I'm not talking about the blade. I'm talking about the time freeze," Rachel shouted, shooting the zombies.

"There's so many of them," Mia exclaimed, swinging her axe, chopping off limbs, and body parts of zombies.

"The update brought us new powers. Why don't you guys use them?" Clara asked stomping her foot on the ground, which created a shock wave, throwing the zombies around her to the ground.

"What kind of new powers?" Rachel asked, attacking the zombies.

"Open your head-up display, it should show you your new powers. In Vicky's case, just check your gauntlet," Clara said.

"We can't be researching about what powers we got, in the middle of a fight," Vicky said frustrated. It was no doubt, that all the players were overwhelmed by the increasing numbers of zombies. In anger, Vicky froze time, took out her kastane, which was glowing, and started attacking the zombies. Once the timer on Vicky's time freeze power ended, she had given the team a little breathing space. The other players in the plaza looked at Vicky in awe.

"Why didn't you do that earlier?" Clara asked looking at Vicky, and then at the kastane, and asked "What is that?"

"It's a kastane a traditional Sri Lankan sword. We don't have time to be talking, we need to get out of here. We need to get back to the base. Find the captain and his team, and figure out what's going on," Vicky said. She pushed through a horde of zombies, that were blocking their way to the exit. They helped other players to get out of the plaza as well.

Vicky, Clara, Mia and Rachel came out of the plaza. The sky had turned red, and zombies were falling from the sky. There were soldiers attacking the zombies, other players attacking the zombies, it was a large war with zombies. Vicky led the group to the parking lot, to retrieve their bikes. They had to make a defensive circle, and watch all the directions, for zombies. One zombie that fell from the sky had only his upper torso, head and hands, and a trail of blood that followed after him. Rachel changed her weapon to a war hammer, and hit the zombie, until it stopped moving.

"Icicle, we need to hurry to the bikes, or we won't be able to hold them for much longer," Mia said. She was tired from the fighting.

"Guys. What's that?" Clara asked, staring at the sky.

"Whoa!" Rachel said, following Clara's gaze. Vicky looked to see what was so intriguing, she was astonished by the large zombie that was falling from the sky. The zombie fell on the street, a few metres away from the group. Other players were trying to attack it. The zombie grabbed one of the players and threw him away.

"We need to get out of here. That zombie looks indestructible," Vicky said. She attacked the zombies that were blocking their way to the bikes. They arrived safely to their bikes.

"What if the base is already compromised?" Clara asked looking at Vicky.

"Then we find the captain and his team, and Claire, and get ourselves to a safe house," Vicky replied, getting onto her bike. Clara, Mia and Rachel got on their bikes too. Vicky had the kastane in her hand, and while ridding out of the parking lot, she stretched her hand out, attacking three zombies who were running towards them.

The large zombie was now blocking the road, that led players in the plaza, to the main road.

"How are we going to evade the massive zombie? He's attacking everyone who's trying to escape," Clara said.

"We'll need to attack him, and protect the other players too. If you didn't hear Manic earlier, he said players might die in real life too," Vicky said.

The group lined up their bikes, facing the large zombie, that was blocking the way. The zombie was attacking a few players that had less experience, and were still in lower levels.

"Dia, I think you should sit this one out," Mia said, after watching one of the players get tossed into the plaza.

"No. I'm not leaving your side," Rachel said, looking at Mia.

"Do you guys have a plan?" Clara asked. She looked at Mia and Rachel, and then at Vicky.

"Don't die," Vicky said revving the engine on the bike. Mia and Rachel started revving the engines on their bikes too, and Clara followed after them.

Vicky raced her bike towards the zombie, holding out her kastane. She made a cut on the zombie's foot, which caused the zombie to roar, and lift up its foot, and stomp it on the ground. The zombie noticed Vicky, and tried to grab her, since Vicky was on her bike, she was able to avoid the zombie.

Mia, Rachel and Clara followed Vicky's lead, and attacked the zombie as well. The zombie tried to hit them. Rachel got hit by one of the zombie's attacks, and got thrown into the side walk. She lost her bike, which was damaged by the attack.

"RAY!" Mia shouted, looking at Rachel. She rushed to Rachel's aid. Rachel stood up, and saw the zombie walking towards them. She hurried on to Mia's bike. The zombie was so close to them.

"They're not going to make it out of there in time," Clara said, staring at Vicky.

"Follow my lead," Vicky said getting off her bike. She gave out a battle cry, while charging at the zombie. The zombie was so huge, that Vicky was able to climb on its hand. The zombie tried to attack her with its other hand, Vicky ducked under it. She ran up to its shoulder, and dug her kastane into the zombie's arm, and held the kastane while sliding down. Vicky got to the bottom of the zombie's hand, and pulled out the kastane, dropping to the ground. She had left a large gash on the zombie's arm, from its shoulder, all the way to the bottom of its hand. Mia and Rachel took this opportunity to move away from their position, and accompany Vicky.

The zombie was furious at this point, and removed a street lamp, using it as a weapon. The zombie swung the street lamp at Vicky. She dodged it, and tried to get closer to the zombie. The large zombie gave out a loud roar, attracting more human sized zombies to the fight. The team was surrounded by zombies, as the large zombie retreated towards the plaza.

"There's so many of them," Clara said looking at Vicky. Mia and Rachel were still on their bike. They had their melee weapons out, and attacked the zombies, Mia was attacking the zombies on their right, while Rachel attacked the left.

"I don't think we'll be able to get out of here," Vicky said, swinging her kastane at the zombies.