Chapter 35 - Friends Day Out (Part 01)

"What's wrong with it?" Vicky asked, walking towards the captain.

"I think the batteries dead," the captain replied, and continued "I should be able to use jumper cables and my car, to start it up."

The captain walked away from the shed. Vicky watched, as he drove his car up to the shed. He opened the bonnet of his car, and connected the cables to the batteries of either car.

"I'll try it now," Vicky said, she ran into the car. Vicky tried turning on the car again, and it worked. She was so excited.

"Take it easy. Don't want to bust the stitches on that wound," the captain said, seeing Vicky excited. The captain removed the cables, and closed the bonnet to both the cars.

"My dad used to drive me to school in this," Vicky said.

"You must have been famous among the kids in your teen years," the captain said.

"Actually. I wasn't. They saw an old car as trash, despite it actually being gold," Vicky said.

"It's gold to people who know it's worth," the captain said.

"Wanna go for a ride?" Vicky asked.

"Sure," the captain replied. Vicky excitedly got into the car.

"First stop, the gas station," Vicky said, before the captain got into his car.

"Don't hit the accelerator too hard. The car's got too much power," the captain said.

"I know how to drive," Vicky replied.

The captain moved his car from the entrance of the shed, and Vicky drove the car off. They stopped at the gas station, and arrived at the house. They both drove their cars into the garage, which led to the backyard.

"Why don't you use that hose to wash the car?" the captain said getting out of his car.

"Okay," Vicky said. She locked the door of the car.

"You have to charge the battery too," the captain said. Vicky tossed the keys of the car to the captain. She walked to the hose, and pulled it near the car. The captain stared at the dog-tag on the key.

"What?" Vicky asked, noticing the captain.

"Was this your father's?" the captain asked, holding up the dog-tag.

"Yeah. He was a soldier in the army, and then worked at Raina Corps as security," Vicky replied, and continued "Did you know him?"

"You're Connor Mitchel's kid?" the captain asked.

"Yeah. So you knew him," Vicky replied.

"How did I not see the connection there?" the captain mumbled to himself.

Vicky's phone rang. She smiled at the captain, and pulled her phone out of her pocket to answer it.

"Hey," Vicky said answering her phone.

"I'm bored, can you come to play the game with me?" Mia asked.

"Really? Where's Rachel?" Vicky asked.

"She said she had some homework to do," Rachel said.

"Okay. I'll come," Vicky replied.

"Okay. See you in the game. Bye," Mia said, and cut the line.

"That was Mia. She wants me to play the game with her," Vicky said.

"Go. I'll wash the car for you," the captain replied.

"Okay. Just don't go until I logout. And stay away from grandma. Oh almost forgot, don't clean the glass and the body of the car with the same cloth," Vicky shouted, going into the house.

The captain smiled, and opened the water on the hose.

Vicky went up to her room, unlocked her door, and got into her pod.

Vicky woke up in the game. Mia was exploring the house, when she saw Vicky.

"You came. This place is awesome," Mia said, and continued "Let's attack someone."

"Are you okay? Did you eat too many sweets again?" Vicky asked.

"I've been inside our house the whole day. You didn't even call me," Mia replied, and continued "Of course I'm going to get bored."

"What do you want to do? Oh and there's so many things I have to tell you," Vicky said.

"Let's go to the bikes, you can tell me on the way. I planned us a mission," Mia said, and walked out of the house.

Vicky and Mia got onto their bikes, and rode off. Vicky was following Mia.

"Where are we going?" Vicky asked.

"Dia and her friend got into trouble while trying to rob a bank. We'll go help them out," Mia replied.

"So you lied to me, about Dia having homework?" Vicky asked.

"Yes. Anyway what was it that you wanted to tell me?" Mia asked.

"The captain and I made my dad's old car. We need to charge the battery and stuff, but yeah. Oh… and my grandma came to our house," Vicky said.

"How did she find where you live?" Mia asked, riding through traffic.

"I don't know. I thought you had something to do with it," Vicky replied, on her earpiece.

"I didn't tell her anything about your new house. I swear," Mia said.

"Well someone did. How much further?" Vicky asked.

"Just a few blocks away," Mia replied.

"Can't you guys come any faster?" Rachel asked through the earpiece.

"Where are you?" Vicky asked Rachel, using her earpiece.

"Right here," Rachel said. She and her friend were in a car, driving straight towards Vicky and Mia. Rachel was being followed by the police.

Vicky and Mia watched as Rachel and her friend bolted past them. Mia smiled at Vicky, who nodded her head back. They went to either side of the road, and threw a small metal rod to the center of the road. The metal rods turned into spikes-strips blocking the whole road. The police vehicles drove over the spikes-strip, losing control, and crashing.

"That easy," Mia said, and turned around, to follow Rachel. Vicky did the same.

"Can't believe you guys got rid of them so easily," Rachel said through the earpiece.

"Oh my goodness! Is that Icicle?" Vicky heard a faint female voice say, from her earpiece.

"Yeah! She's my friend," Rachel responded. Vicky smirked at the conversation she was hearing on her earpiece.

"She is so awesome," the female voice.

"Icicle. Don't let that go to your head," Mia said, through Vicky's earpiece.

"Are you jealous?" Vicky asked.

"What? No. Why would I be jealous?" Mia asked.

"Those are words a person who's jealous would say," Rachel said.

"Dia! Don't get involved in this conversation," Mia said.

"Guys! I think Raina Corps is sending soldiers after us," Vicky said, noticing an armored vehicle following them.

"It could be Mainc's people too," Mia said.

"Crystal! Get Dia and her friend out of here. Whatever you do don't take them to the safe house," Vicky said.

"What? Why not?" Mia asked.

"Just listen to me. I'll get rid of these guys," Vicky said. She watched as Mia, and Rachel took another road. The armored vehicle was still following Vicky.

At an intersection, another armored vehicle emerged, blocking the road. Vicky had no time to go around it, and crashed into the vehicle. She was on the ground, when she saw Daemon getting out of the vehicle she crashed into. His techno music started playing, as the other armored vehicle came to halt in front of Vicky, and out came Manic.

Vicky smirked and got on her feet, taking her sword out.

"None of us can use our powers, thanks to this new jammer," Manic said showing a metal box, that he proceeded to put inside the vehicle.

"Looks like we're going to go old school," Daemon said taking out his swords. Manic had equipped himself with a sword too.

Daemon and Manic charged towards Vicky.