Chapter 37 - Last Man Standing

The group walked over to the entrance of the club, and spoke to the bouncer.

"Hi, we want to get into the club," Mia said, to the bouncer.

"Stand in line," the bouncer replied. Mia looked at Vicky, and Vicky stepped forward. The bouncer continued "Wait here." He said something in his earpiece, and another staff member came out.

"Follow me," the staff member said. She led the group into a private room. There were other players in the room, and a large screen at the front of the room.

"Welcome to last man standing. Just as the name says, the last player in the game will win free tickets to the VIP lounge for themselves and their friends. Players please stand in line to receive your weapons. Good luck to all of you," another staff member said on a loud speaker.

"You sure about this?" the captain asked Vicky.

"No," Vicky said, walking towards the line.

"Relax, she's got this," Mia said.

Players walked through the door, and spawned into another terrain. The place was a battle arena made of metal. There were hiding places, and rooms that players could use while in battle.

The screen showed each player, with an individual camera following them.

"There are no rules. The last player standing wins. The fight begins, in three… two… one… fight," the staff member on the loud speaker said.

Vicky spawned at a dead-end. She could only go in one direction. All the players were armed with blasters, including Vicky. Vicky walked in the only direction she could, a green blast from a blaster was coming towards her. She dodged it, and the blast knocked on another player shattering him to pieces.

"Erika!" Vicky said.

"Stay alive, until the end," Erika said smiling at Vicky. She was the one who shot at Vicky. She walked away from Vicky.

The captain, and the group were watching through the screen, as the announcer kept telling who had died from the battle.

"Why didn't you tell me it was this crazy?" the captain asked.

"Because then you wouldn't have let Icicle go," Mia replied.

"What are the rules?" the captain asked.

"There are no rules," Mia replied.

"There's always a catch with these types of mini games," the captain said.

"You only get twenty blasts," Miles replied.

"Why didn't you tell me this before?" the captain asked.

"You never asked," Miles replied.

Vicky was trying her best not to use her blaster, in-case she needed it for emergency. There were fifty players in the mini game. After five minutes, only twenty players were left, Vicky and Erika were among them.

Vicky ran from cover to cover, as the battle arena was still heated. Blasts from blasters were flying around the room. Players kept dying, and many players had a few blasts left. Vicky had saved her blasts.

"Ten players left in the arena," an announcement said.

Vicky got out from cover, and started searching the arena. While walking through a corridor, another player approached her, ready to shoot their blaster, but Vicky was faster. Vicky kept searching through the arena, she came across another player, she shot the player, before they even noticed her.

"Five players left in the arena," the announcement said.

Meanwhile, Mia had bought drinks for the whole group.

"Want some?" Mia asked the captain.

"No!" the captain said, keeping a close eye on the arena. Erika was shooting other players too.

"Have a drink. It'll help you relax," Mia said, holding out a glass to the captain.

"I'm as relaxed as I can be," the captain replied.

"She seems to know what she's doing," Miles said, looking at the screen.

"Yes, but so does Erika," the captain said.

"Erika wasted ten blasts already," Mile said.

"I wouldn't call it wasted, given that she hit all the targets," the captain said.

"Vicky only lost two blasts," Miles said.

"This is not about how many blasts you have left at this point. It's about who's faster and more precise," the captain replied.

"Have faith in the kid," Miles said.

Vicky was hunting for the remaining players, when another announcement was made.

"Two players left in arena," the announcement said.

Vicky had her blaster ready to shoot. She was alert, and watched all the direction around her, so that she won't be ambushed.

"Hi," Erika said pointing her blaster at Vicky. She was waiting for Vicky to find her.

"Hi," Vicky said shooting. Erika hid behind a pillar, and so did Vicky.

Erika fired her blaster at the pillar Vicky was hiding behind. Vicky had nowhere to go. Erika started walking towards Vicky.

"I didn't know Icicle was a coward," Erika said. She walked towards the pillar, and turned to shoot Vicky. Vicky kicked the blaster out of Erika's hand. Vicky tried to shoot Erika, but her blaster wouldn't go off.

"Change of weapons. Blasters no longer work. Use the knife at the center of the room. Change of terrain." the announcement said, as the blasters disintegrated, and the walls of the room changed into rolling blades.

Erika bolted to the knife. Vicky caught her, and pulled her back. Erika kicked Vicky, and grabbed the knife. She used it on Vicky, who dodged the attacks. Vicky was walking back to avoid Erika's attacks, that she got close to the wall. Vicky kicked the knife from Erika's hand. Erika kicked Vicky to the ground, and grabbed the knife, stabbing Vicky.

Vicky got back on her feet. Erika grabbed Vicky, and tried to push her to the wall. The blades on the wall were so close to cutting Vicky. Vicky saw a spot in the wall that was empty. She kept her leg on the wall, pushing away from the blades. Vicky managed to get out of Erika's grasp, and kicked her to the blades. Erika crashed into the blades, and was diced to pieces.

"We have a winner. Icicle," the announcer said.

Vicky got teleported back into the room where the rest of her friends were.

"Woo! I told you she'll win," Mia said, running towards Vicky. The rest of the group followed Mia.

"You won," Rachel said, in excitement.

"Great job kid," the captain said, keeping his hand on Vicky's shoulder.

"What happens to the other players?" Miles asked.

"They start off from the beginning all over again. Game characters die in the arena," Vicky replied.

"The more details I get about this game, the more I'm starting to hate it," the captain said.

"She made it out. She's fine," Mia said.

"Please follow us," a staff member said, walking towards Vicky. Vicky and the group followed the staff member to the VIP lounge in the club.

"This place is awesome," Rachel said.

"The drinks here are way better than in there," Mia said, ordering another drink for herself.

"You guys made it. Icicle that match was so awesome," a girl said walking towards the group. She was dressed in a sequined violet top, and trousers.

"Violet. How did you get in?" Rachel asked, and turned to the group and said "This is my friend Violet."

"I have my secrets," Violet replied, and continued "But the fight in the arena was so cool."

"If you have secrets, I don't think you're a friend," Vicky said, bluntly.

"Icicle," Rachel said, looking at Vicky. Vicky looked at Violet and raised her eyebrow.

"It's fine. She's right. There's something I have to show you," Violet said. She led the group through another passage, which was blocked by a bouncer.

"How are you able to get through there?" Rachel asked.

"If you help them. They help you. Your friend must know about how things work down here," Violet replied, pointing to Vicky. Vicky looked at Violet in silence.

Violet took them to a room, with a hidden door on the ground. Violet opened the door, and led the group down the stairs.