Chapter 44 - Sold Out

Vicky was brooding in her room. She heard a knock on her door.

"Go away!" Vicky shouted.

"I just want to talk," the captain replied, standing on the other side of the door.

Vicky got up from her bed, and opened the door.

"You left your phone with Connor," the captain said, handing Vicky her phone.

"Thanks," Vicky said. She opened the door, for the captain to walk in.

"He's hurting too you know," the captain said, after he walked into the room. Vicky closed the door, and looked at him.

"I know. I just… I should probably apologise to dad," Vicky replied.

"Go a little easy on him okay," the captain said.

"I will," Vicky replied, and continued "There's a race tonight in the game. Why don't you guys come watch too. Just you and dad."

"An interesting offer. I'll have to think about it," the captain said, he opened the door to leave.

"Wait! Where's my dad?" Vicky asked.

"He said something about going to the workshop to work on some robot," the captain replied, and left the room.

Vicky looked at the time on her phone. There were a few more hours until the race started. She walked downstairs, to another room. Connor was working on a human like robot.

"Dad!" Vicky said, walking towards Connor.

"Oh! Hey!" Connor said, turning to Vicky.

"What's wrong with it?" Vicky asked.

"I don't know. I'm not your mom," Connor replied.

"Mom would probably have had it running in like three seconds," Vicky said. She pulled a stool next to her father and sat down. She helped her father to get the robot running.

"You think it'll start now?" Connor asked.

"It has to. We fixed everything correctly," Vicky replied. She went behind the robot, and said "Here goes", as she flipped on the switch.

"It's working!" Connor said.

"It's nice to see you again Mr. Mitchel," the robot said. It had a female voice, and looked like one too.

"Whoa! She's working!" Vicky said in excitement.

"Miss Mitchel," the robot said, and continued "Thank you for fixing me."

"Cora, you can go back to work now," Vicky said, closing the panel on the robot.

"I will Miss Mitchel," the robot said, walking out of the room.

"Dad! Can I talk to you?" Vicky asked, after the robot left.

"Sure what is it?" Connor asked, turning to Vicky.

"I'm sorry about what I said earlier. I was angry and upset. I didn't mean to hurt you. I know you missed us too, just like we missed you. And you probably thought you were doing what was best to protect us… Dad, will you forgive me for yelling at you, and being so insensitive?" Vicky asked.

"Come here," Connor said hugging Vicky, and continued "I'll never keep a grudge on you. You're my daughter. The only family I've got left. I love you… princess."

"I love you too dad," Vicky said hugging her father back.

"How was the game?" Connor asked, stepping back from Vicky.

"Oh yeah! I almost forgot. There's this race that's starting in a few hours. Do you want to come see? I asked the captain too," Vicky said.

"'The captain'?" Connor asked.

"Yeah the captain," Vicky replied.

"You mean Max?" Connor asked.

"The captain," Vicky replied.

"You can call him Max. And where is the race starting?" Connor asked.

"Log into the game, and add me as your friend. I'll give you the location," Vicky replied, and smiled. She started walking towards the door.

"Where are you going?" Connor asked.

"Need to get my car ready for the race," Vicky said leaving the room.

Vicky walked to her room, and logged into the game.

"Here I thought you weren't going to show up," Mia said, sitting on the sofa.

"How long have you been here?" Vicky asked.

"A few hours. It's fine. We have to go get our cars for the race. Just imagine the look on everyone's faces when a cop car pulls up at the start line," Mia said, walking out of the house, with Vicky following her.

"Let's first go get the cars. Oh! And I told the captain and my dad about the races," Vicky said.

"Does that mean I get to meet your dad… again?" Mia asked, spawning her bike.

"If he comes, yes," Vicky replied, spawning her bike.

They rode to Cassius's garage. The gate to the garage was closed. Vicky opened the gate, the lights were switched off.

"What's going on?" Mia whispered.

"Be careful, something's not right," Vicky whispered back. They walked into the garage. The garage was dark, since it was night, much light wasn't coming into the garage.

"Icicle!" Vicky heard Mia's voice say.

"Crystal!" Vicky said looking around in the dark. The lights came on, dazzling Vicky. Vicky saw Manic holding Mia, who had passed out. Vicky took her pistol out, and pointed it at Manic.

"I wouldn't do that if I were you," Dash said, approaching Vicky, from the side. He had his gun pointed at her.

"Let her go," Vicky said.

"You don't call the shots here Icicle," Manic said.

"I could kill you in a second," Vicky replied.

"Can you?" Manic asked. Vicky tried to use her powers, but it wasn't working.

"Cassius helped us make another special ability jammer. All he needed was some Raina Creds, he even gave up the time you'll be here," Dash said.

"She doesn't have anything to do with this. Just let her go," Vicky said.

"That's ironic, because that's what Leo said about you. Now look at you. Blaze is dead because of you," Manic said.

"Let her go," Vicky said, she took out her other pistol, and pointed it at Dash.

"Do you want her alive or not," Manic asked. He had pulled the trigger on his gun half way.

"Just drop the weapons, we'll talk this out," Dash said, walking towards Vicky.

"It's your choice Icicle," Manic said. Vicky looked at Mia, and then dropped her guns on the floor. Dash hit Vicky on the head, with his gun. Vicky fell to the ground, unconscious.

Vicky woke up, tied to one of the railings in the garage. The lights in the garage were switched on, and the gate was closed. Mia was tied next to Vicky.

"Crystal," Vicky whispered, looking at Mia. Vicky's vision was a bit blur, and her head hurt.

"Welcome back," Dash said, walking to Vicky.

"Let her go," Vicky said, in a soft voice.

"No. We're not playing this your way anymore. Chase is gone. There's no one stopping us from killing you. You did know that he didn't want to hurt you guys right. He would have never killed you. Not even in the parking lot. Our target was not you that day. All we wanted to do was send a warning to Miles, and Captain Daze," Dash said.

"Were you going to kill one of his kids?" Vicky asked, pulling on the chains.

"Maybe," Dash said, removing Vicky's mask. He pulled the hood down, and stood up looking at Vicky.

"Give it back," Vicky said.

"No. We need this to bait the team into the garage. Then we'll take them out. One by one," Dash said. He walked away from Vicky.

Vicky looked around the garage, trying to find something to remove the chains. She pulled on the chains, but it was useless. A few moments later, Mia woke up.

"Icicle!" Mia said in a soft voice.

"Finally you wake up," Vicky said.

"What happened? Where are we? What did I miss?" Mia asked, after taking some time to access their situation.

"Manic and Dash attacked us. Cassius sold us out to them," Vicky replied.

"We have to get out of here," Mia said.

"I've tried everything. Nothing's working," Vicky said.

"I'll try my powers," Mia said.

"It's not going to work. They have a jammer, curtesy of Cassius," Vicky replied.

"So we're going to wait here… until they kill us?" Mia asked.

"They're trying to bring the team here, and ambush them. We have to find a way to warn them," Vicky said.

"Have you tried comms?" Mia asked.

"Yes," Vicky replied, rolling her eyes.

Manic and Dash walked towards Vicky and Mia.

"We only need one of you," Manic said, looking at Vicky and Mia.

"Let me guess, you can't handle the two us together?" Mia asked.

"Which one?" Manic asked. He bent down to Vicky, and held a knife on her cheek.

"I say we keep her. She's more valuable," Dash said.

"Then we let her go," Manic said looking at Mia. Manic took his knife, and cut Mia's neck.

"NO!" Vicky shouted.

Mia was choking on her blood.

"Don't worry I'll end it for her," Manic said talking two pistols out. One of the pistols were the same gun that killed Leo. The other gun was just a normal in-game gun.

"No. Please no," Vicky pleaded, she was trying to removed her chains.

"Be quiet," Manic said, walking towards Vicky. He removed her chains, and said "You listen to us. We'll let her live."

"Ok," Vicky said, defeated. Dash tied Vicky's hands behind her back, with the chains, and padlocked it.

They walked Vicky to the car she brought to the shop earlier.

"Get in," Manic said. Vicky looked at Mia, and got into the back seat of the vehicle. Dash and Manic got in the front, and drove off from the garage.