Chapter 56 - Attack On The Labs

After explaining what was going on to Mrs. Wilson, everyone went to sleep.

The next morning Vicky woke up, the storm was over. She got dressed, and went down for breakfast. What she found was the whole team, including Sarah, Colton and Kane, downstairs, discussing how they were going to overthrow Caiden's reign.

"Hey kid!" Wyatt said, as Vicky walked like a zombie to the living room. Vicky sighed, and walked away. Before she could get out of the living room, Mia walked.

"Hey… kid!" Mia said smiling.

"You call me kid again. I'll punch you in the face," Vicky replied, as she walked out of the room.

"KID!" Mia shouted, for Vicky to hear.

Vicky walked back into the living room, with a butter knife in her hand. She stared at Mia, and threw the knife. The knife flew over Mia's head, and stabbed the wall. Mia did not even flinch at the knife coming towards her.

"Vicky!" Connor said, looking at Vicky.

"Really?" Mia asked.

"Really!" Vicky replied, and walked to the kitchen.

"Vicky! Vicky!" Connor said, walking after Vicky.

"What?" Vicky asked. Mia walked to the kitchen too.

"I'm starving. What do you guys got in the fridge?" Mia asked as she opened the fridge.

"What was that?" Connor asked. He stared at Vicky furiously.

"That was nothing. We've done that before. Why'd you think she stood there without flinching," Vicky said.

"Vicky! You threw a knife at your best friend," Connor said.

"A best friend who knows that I'm not going to hurt her," Vicky replied. She turned to Mia and continued "Mia can you reassure him."

"Yes Mr. Mitchel. Vicky's right. This is not the first time we threw knives at each other," Mia said, preparing food for her and Vicky.

"At each other?" Connor asked.

"Yeah. How'd you think we practised?" Mia asked, and looked at Vicky and continued "Remember when the knife I threw at you grazed your hand?"

"That hurt… a lot," Vicky replied.

"Wait. What happened to the two girls who wanted to be princesses?" Connor asked.

"They grew up, and the world killed them," Mia said, giving Vicky her food. She stopped in front of Connor and continued "And they turned them into monsters." Mia walked away from the kitchen.

"What's she talking about?" Connor asked. Vicky tried to leave the kitchen, but Connor stood in front of her.

"It's nothing. She just likes to mess with people's heads," Vicky replied.

"Why did you learn to throw knives?" Connor asked.

"It was fun. Plus it was necessary for the game," Vicky replied.

"Why are you hiding things from me?" Connor asked.

"I'm not hiding anything from you. It's just that I've grown up, and changed. I'm not the princess you used to know," Vicky replied.

"I'm just worried about you. Have you talked to Mrs. Wilson, after the fire?" Connor asked.

"No," Vicky replied.

"Why not?" Connor asked. Vicky looked at the ground, and back at Connor.

"I don't know. Maybe going there reminded me of going with you and mom," Vicky replied. Vicky looked at her plate.

"What's wrong?" Connor asked.

"Nothing. I just want to go and eat," Vicky replied.

"Fine. But no more throwing knives at people in real life," Connor said.

"Okay!" Vicky said, and walked towards the dinner table.

Mrs. Wilson was at the dinner table, with Sophia, Pamela, Aiden and Miles's three children. Mia was seated on the corner of the table, eating quietly.

"Hey! What are we going to do in the game? I'm not hanging around in this house without using the pods," Mia said, as Vicky sat down.

"What did I miss?" Vicky asked.

"Mom was really excited to hear that Miles's kid's name is Amelia too," Mia replied.

"Fine. Let's play the game after eating," Vicky said.

"Game! Can I come too?" Aiden asked, eavesdropping on their conversation.

"Sure," Vicky replied.

After eating, the three of them got into the game. They spawned in the safe house.

"Let's attack someone. How about the lab?" Mia asked.

"Crystal! That's one of the most guarded places in the game," Vicky replied.

"We need to attack them back. You saw what Dash almost did. There's special weapons in that lab. We could use it against them, because this is far from over," Mia said.

"Wyatt said Caiden took over Raina Corps. I don't think it's a good idea to attack the lab," Vicky said.

"Icicle. You think that they're going to just leave us alone? You killed Manic. And they're still trying to kill us. We have to kill Caiden and Alex too," Mia said. Vicky turned away from Mia, to think.

"Icicle. You killed Manic in the game, right?" Aiden asked.

"Ace! Stay out of this," Vicky replied.

"You think the team's going to do something about these guys. They'll just lock these guys up in the game, and we'll get attacked in real life," Mia said, walking in front of Vicky.

"You think Wyatt would let us kill his son?" Vicky asked.

"I did some digging, and it turns out Caiden is his stepson. And he did get shot by him too," Mia replied.

Vicky paced the room for a while, with her hand on her hips.

"Icicle!" Aiden said. Vicky stopped pacing and turned to him.

"What?" Vicky asked.

"Maybe you should ask uncle Connor about this. You saw what happened after I didn't listen to them," Aiden replied.

"We'll just attack the labs for now. You can think about how you want to get rid of Caiden and Alex later," Mia said.

Vicky was deep in thought. She eventually stood up straight, and looked at Aiden and Mia.

"Fine, let's get the labs now. But about Caiden and Alex, we're talking to the captain and my dad," Vicky said, glancing at Mia.

"Okay," Mia said, walking out of the house. Vicky looked at Aiden and followed Mia out.

Vicky spawned her bike. She marked the location of the lab on her gauntlet.

The three of them arrived at the lab. They snuck into the facility through a small vent. The vent led the team to a small room in the facility.

"Where are we?" Aiden asked, jumping out of the vent. He made a loud noise. Vicky and Mia stared at him. "Sorry!"Aiden mouthed.

Vicky led the group out of the room, to a corridor. Vicky, and Mia stealthily took out the guards they encountered. They eventually arrived at the main lab. Scientists were working in the lab.

"We need a key card to get in," Mia said.

"I can see that!" Vicky said looking at the panel near the door to the main lab.

"I got this!" Aiden said, and walked up to the door. He kicked the glass on the door, but nothing happened. The scientists inside the lab saw Aiden, and pressed the button for the alarm.

Vicky looked at Aiden, and so did Mia. Aiden gave an awkward smile.

"So much for stealth," Mia said. She took her gun out, and turned towards the corridor.

Vicky took her sword out, and looked at the door. The scientist inside the lab hide under the tables.

"I don't think they're going to come out," Aiden said, looking at Vicky.

Vicky looked at Aiden, took out her pistol and shot at the glass. The glass was bullet proof, and didn't crack.

"Why must I do everything?" Mia asked, equipping herself with a machine gun. She shot at the glass, which cracked eventually.

The guards ran up to them, Mia turned around, and started shooting at them.

Vicky broke the glass on the door, and walked inside with her sword out. One of the scientists stood up with a laser gun, and started shooting at Vicky. Vicky used her sword to defend herself, and dragged Aiden behind a table.

"Icicle!" Aiden said, holding his stomach. Blood gushed out a wound on his stomach.

"Hey! It's okay. Calm down. Stay here. I'll finish this," Vicky said. Just as she finished her sentence, the scientist increased the power on the laser gun, and shot a large hole in the table.

Vicky stood up, jumped on the table, and pounced at the scientist with her sword out. The scientist fell apart in half. Vicky grabbed the gun, and turned to the rest of the scientists.

"Please don't use it on us," a female scientist said.

"Why not?" Vicky asked, cranking the power up to a full.

"It kills people in the real world," the scientist replied. Vicky pulled out her pistol, and shot the remaining scientists.

"Icicle! We're blocked in," Mia said, retreating into the lab. She noticed the gun, and her eyes went wide. "Whoa! What's that?" she asked.

"Crystal!" Vicky said, as Mia grabbed the gun from her hand.

Mia turned towards the guards. She shot the gun at them, at full power. The gun shot out a large laser that burnt up all the guards. The wall of the building now had a large whole, as the laser shot through three layers of thick wall.

"This gun is awesome!" Mia said, as she walked towards the wall, to see the destruction.

Vicky grabbed the gun from Mia, and put it in her inventory.

"What did you do?" Vicky asked. She stared intensely at Mia.

"I made us, a way out. Look! The gun shot through the walls. We could use it to get out," Mia said. She walked to the last wall. They were a few floors above the ground.

Mia grabbed onto Vicky and Aiden, and teleported them down.