Chapter 79 - The Past (Part 2)

The captain, Connor, Kane and Miles walked into the lab. The rest of the security followed them. They stealthily entered the lab. A team of intruders were ransacking the lab.

"You guys aren't getting out of here alive," the captain said. One of the intruders turned towards them.

"Wrong! You're not getting out alive," the intruder said.

Bullets began showering the lab, from either team. The captain ran to cover, behind a desk. He looked around, and saw the rest of his team in cover too. He turned to Miles, and Kane, giving the hand signals, to cover him. The captain then turned to Connor, giving him signals to attack on his order. Connor nodded back.

The captain looked at his team once again, and nodded his head. His plan went into action. Kane and Miles covered the captain and Connor, while they popped their heads out, and began taking out the intruders.