Chapter 81 - A New Foe?

Connor took Vicky towards the back of the club. There were a few people behind the club. Connor walked up to a door with a guard.

"Use the entrance," the guard said.

Connor rolled up the sleeve of his jacket, to show a tattoo to the guard.

"Go along," the guard said, opening the door for the two of them.

The door led them into a hallway that eventually led to the club. The two of them went to the underground town. They went straight to Violet's tent.

"I've been waiting for you. We got some intel on a new weapon created by Raina Corps. Virtual Destination is trying to get their hands on it," Violet said, as soon as she saw Connor and Vicky.

"What weapon?" Vicky asked.

Just then another lady walked into the tent. Violet's eyes glistened with excitement.

"Luna!" Violet said, rushing towards her. Vicky stood staring, at where Violet stood previously. She turned towards Luna.