Chapter 114 - Visit To Price Industries

Connor and the captain arrived outside Price Industries. It was late in the night. Connor got out of the car, and walked into the building. The captain followed him closely, to make sure he does not do anything stupid.

The lady at the reception tried to ask Connor why he was visiting. Connor ignored her and walked passed. He used the elevator to get to the floor Ryan's office was on.

"You look like it's not the first time you've come here," the captain said, as they stepped into the elevator.

"Max… not now," Connor said. The captain nodded his head, and stared at the ground. 

The elevator dinged, and Connor walked out of the elevator. He walked towards Ryan's office. The light in his office was switched on. Connor opened the door to Ryan's office.

Ryan stared at Connor, as Connor stepped into the room with a death stare.