Chapter 124 - She's Gone!

Vicky was staring at the ground, when Cobra arrived back into the tent.

"Your visitor is here," Cobra said. Two of his men undid the ropes that tied Vicky's hands. Vicky walked behind Cobra with her head down. They took her to the main tent.

"This is Icicle! I thought she'd be taller, and look tougher," Josie said, looking at Vicky.

"Leave us!" Cobra said, looking at his men. They left, leaving Vicky, Josie and Cobra in the tent.

"Mother sent for her," Josie said.

"Tell mother that no one suspects a thing. They follow me now. Maybe her killing Violet wasn't such a bad thing," Cobra said.

"Maybe we should make sure she doesn't hear anything," Josie said. She took the device from Cobra, and pressed one of the buttons on it.

Vicky felt a needle pierce from the device around her neck. She felt drowsy, and her eyelids fell on her eyes.