Chapter 141 - The Beast's Powers

"Well then use your other weapons," Connor said. Vicky nodded. Connor let her go, giving her sword back.

Vicky looked at him, with a smile, and threw her boomerang at Connor. Connor ducked under it. He knew it would come back towards her, without coming in his direction, but he was wrong. He saw the boomerang complete it's arc towards him again.

Connor was so focused on the boomerang, that he did not notice Vicky's attack on him with her sword. Vicky dropped him to the ground, and pointed her sword at Connor. The boomerang came back to her, as she caught it without even looking at it.

"That was good," Connor said. Vicky smiled. She gave him his hand. He smiled and said, "No!"

Connor got back up on his own and looked at her.

"Why do I have a feeling that you were holding back?" Vicky asked.

"I wasn't… Who taught you how to fight?" Connor asked.


Connor smiled. He looked at her and said, "You had a good teacher."