Chapter 146 - Ryan's Tower (Part 2)

"Dad!" Vicky said, getting up from the sofa.

Connor sighed, and looked at her.

"Come on Connor, pull the trigger," Ryan said.

"No, dad. Don't. Dad… weren't you two best friends once?" Vicky asked.

"Vicky, stay out of this," Connor said.

"Are you going to pull the trigger, or not?" Ryan asked. He sounded bored.

"Dad! Don't. Please dad, stop," Vicky said, walking towards Connor. She continued, "Even if you don't care about him anymore, which I doubt. Think about it, I don't think either of us would survive you killing him."

Connor sighed, and looked at Vicky. He put the hammer up, and put the gun back in his holster. 

Vicky walked towards Connor, and hugged him.

"You've grown soft," Ryan said, walking away from Connor.

"If I hadn't, you wouldn't be saying that now," Connor replied, while hugging Vicky back. Ryan smirked at him, and walked away.