Chapter 151 - The Capturer

"We made a deal. For now, we both have a common enemy. And as the saying goes, 'The enemy of my enemy is my ally'. Right now we're allies. And we'll keep the deal Vicky made at the tower. If one of us holds a gun or any weapon to you, you get Vicky. If it happens the other way… you get Vicky."

"This is a stupid deal," Colton said.

"Agreed!" Kane seconded.

"It's not! If we do something, and lose Vicky to him. I don't want to see the look of Connor's, and Max's face. Connor might as well kill us," Miles said.

"Isn't it intriguing how everyone is afraid of your father?" Ryan whispered to Vicky. Vicky turned her eyes towards him, and ignored him.

"So we cease firing at each other?" Sarah asked. Sarah did not get a response from anyone. She waited for a while. After an eternity of waiting, or so it seemed, she finally got an answer.

"Yes ma'am," Miles said, swallowing his ego, and pride.

"What he said," Ryan replied.