Chapter 161 - I Killed People Too

Vicky turned to Connor, as he silently drove in the direction of Price Industries.

"Dad!" Vicky said looking at Connor.

"What?" Connor asked. He sighed, and then continued, "I'm sorry you had to see that. I should have taken you out first. I know you must hate me right now. I know I'm a bad dad."

Vicky looked at him in silence. Connor felt uneasy, since he noticed Vicky's gaze, but tried to ignore her.

"Do you hate me now?" Connor asked.

"No!" Vicky replied without hesitation, and continued, "Why would I hate you?"

"Because… I turned into a monster," Connor replied in a soft voice. He did not have the courage to look at Vicky. So he kept staring forward, trying to ignore her intense gaze.

"Does that mean I'm a monster too?" Vicky asked. Connor immediately looked at her. Vicky was staring at her hands, which were on her lap.

"Why would you be a monster?" Connor asked.