Chapter 164 - Family

"The guy with Ryan. He said that he was an old friend of yours," Vicky replied.

"I have a lot of old friends."


Connor smirked, when he noticed Vicky was getting annoyed.

"He's someone you don't want to know about. Trust me," Connor replied. Vicky pouted, and took a bite from her food.

"Can you at least teach me to fight like you?" Vicky asked.

"Why would I want to teach you to fight like me?" Connor asked.

"Dad! You're turning into Leo. You're not even like 'dad' anymore," Vicky said, annoyed.

"I'll teach you to fight better than me," Connor replied, looking at Vicky.

"Really?" Vicky asked, her face lighting up. Vicky had a large smile on her face.

Connor smiled, looking at Vicky.

He remembered when she was smaller.


Connor picked Vicky from school. Vicky was five years old. She was happy when she saw her father. Connor took Vicky to the car, and strapped her into the seatbelt.