Chapter 170 - A Visit From Miles and His Family (Part 1)

"Yes. That, along with the news about Virtual Destination. The board is worried that Raina Corps will be next, or that the press might say we had something to do about it," Claire said.

The captain looked at Connor. Connor appeared quite calm.

"You can't tell anything to anyone," the captain said, looking at Connor and then at Vicky.

"I have no clue what you're talking about," Vicky replied. The captain nodded.

"Let's go, now," Connor said. He looked at Vicky, and walked to the door.

Vicky followed Connor out. They walked to the car.

"Are you going to train me today?" Vicky asked, while getting into the car.

"No! Your hands are still hurt. You need to recover first. I'll train you after that," Connor said. Vicky sighed.

It was evening. Wyatt walked to Claire's office. Claire was checking the recording from her conversations with Vicky.

"What did she say?" Wyatt asked. Claire played the recording.