Chapter 175 - Water Gun Fight

Vicky got up from the bed, and walked to the window. She saw the team sitting outside, talking to each other, with bottles in their hand.

"How about we prank them?" Vicky asked, turning to the group.

"I don't think that's a good idea. The last thing we need is getting dad, uncle Max, and Uncle Connor angry," Jessica said.

"They won't get mad. Trust me," Vicky said. She had a smirk on her face.

"Let's say we said yes, what's the plan?" Molly asked.

"Easy! All we do is throw a tonne of water on them. Trust me it'll be fun," Vicky replied.

"What are we going to use to get the tonne of water?" Ivy asked.

"Even if we find a way to collect so much water, how are we going to get it across the house without anyone noticing?" Jack asked.

"Who's going to carry something that heavy?" Emma asked.

"Don't you have a bucket or something around here? Anything that could hold a large amount of water?" Vicky asked, turning to Jessica.