Chapter 181 - New NPCs

Three months had passed. Vicky was training with Connor, due to the chip, she was able to learn much quicker than other people. She had also learned how to control Eva. She was able to change her eyes to her usual colour.

Vicky was practising what Connor taught her in the garden. Connor was watching her, to make sure she did not make a mistake.

"Was that good?" Vicky asked, turning to Connor. She was panting heavily, and drenched in sweat.

"That was good. It's about time you think of having breakfast… and take a shower before you get all that sweat on the dining chairs," Connor said, turning around, to walk inside the house.

"Sure, no problem, mom," Vicky said. Connor turned back to her.

"What did you call me?" Connor asked.

"Mom! Because you're starting to act like mom," Vicky replied. 

Connor stared at her, and then turned around, and walked inside. Vicky sighed as she saw the door close.