Chapter 183 - A Glowing Flag

The surroundings around Vicky changed. She spawned near a beach, on a paradise island. Vicky did a three sixty to check her surroundings.

There were palm trees swaying in the salty breeze. The waves were crashing into the shore. There was a small hut made of wood in front of Vicky.

"Are you sure we're in the right place?" Sarah asked, admiring the scenery.

"Capture the flag, starting in three minutes," Cora's voice rang across the island.

"Yep," Colton replied, turning to Sarah.

"Our flag might be inside the hut," Vicky said. She walked towards the hut.

"How are you so sure?" Kane asked.

"Have you not played video games before?" Vicky replied with a question.

Vicky led the team into the hut. There was a purple flag inside the hut. It had a purple smoke surrounding it. The flag was glowing, the team stood for a while, staring at its beauty.