Chapter 193 - Team Deathmatch (Part 1)

"No! No way! Connor loves you like crazy. He'll burn the whole world down to make sure that you're safe. That's how much he cares about you," Miles said. Vicky hugged him tight, as she cried.

"One hour and fifteen minutes mark."

Vicky pulled back from Miles's hug, and cleaned her tears.

"I'm sorry I broke down like that," Vicky said, after calming herself down.

"It's fine… let's keep moving shall we?" Miles asked. Vicky nodded, as she stood up. So did Miles. He picked his gun up, and got ready to leave.

Vicky followed Miles, as he led the way.

Connor opened his eyes. He was in a white space. There were binary digits on the ground. Connor was lying on the ground. He got up and looked around.

"Mr. Mitchell. It's a pleasure to meet you again," Cora said. She materialised in front of him. 

Connor reached for his gun, but found nothing on his holster.

"Where's Vicky? What have you done to her?" Connor asked, as he stared at Cora.