Chapter 195 - Team Deathmatch (Part 2)

"Round one completed. Blue team knocked out," Cora said. 

Despite being in different teams, the captain, Colton, Kane and Connor looked at Sarah. She smiled at them, as she disintegrated.

"The next to be knocked out is the green team. Round two begins now," Cora said.

Just like that, everyone began firing at each other once again. Connor looked at Kane who was in front of him. He did not fire at him, but instead walked away, firing at other players. 

After a while of walking around, and taking down other players, Connor was surrounded by three players of the yellow team. One of the yellow team players  was about to shoot him. 

Connor kicked the gun out of the players hands, and shot him in the head. He ducked under the bullets of the other two players, turning towards them.

The players began attacking Connor, by initiating hand to hand combat. Connor ducked under a player's high kick, as he swept the leg of his opponent.