Chapter 201 - Blue Door

***Connor's side of the day***

Connor walked out of the door. He was annoyed with Vicky. He got into the car, and drove to the location Carter sent him.

Once he arrived at the alleyway. Carter and Ryan were waiting for him. Connor got out of the car, and walked towards them.

"I thought I was working with Carter alone," Connor said, looking at Ryan.

"And I thought you'd bring my niece with you," Carter replied.

"Let's get down to business, shall we?" Ryan asked. He turned around, and walked through a blue door. Connor followed him, while Carter walked behind him.

"What's the job?" Connor asked, as Ryan led them to another door, in the large empty warehouse. Two bouncers stood at this door. 

"You'll like this one," Ryan replied. 

There was a staircase, leading them underground. They could hear cheers, as they neared another door at the bottom of the stairs, which was also guarded by two bouncers.