Chapter 235 - Outskirts Of The City

"There might be nanotech in the chip. I mean it makes sense, right?" Vicky asked, looking at Connor.

"What chip?" Sarah asked, turning to Connor. Connor glared at Vicky in return.

"Nothing you should worry about," Connor replied. He then looked at Vicky, "Does that mean we can go?"

"Yeah!" Vicky replied.

"Connor, you can't just call me, and make me come all the way back here, and not have a proper explanation for what happened," Sarah replied.

"It's classified!" Connor replied. He looked at Vicky who stood up.

"How did she even get hurt?" Sarah asked.

"Carter!" Connor said. He walked towards the front door, and said, "Vicky! We're leaving!"

Vicky looked at Sarah, "We'll talk later, okay? Bye! And thanks for helping!" 

Vicky smiled and walked out of the door.

"He seems like a fun guy to know!" the guy in Sarah's house said. He was her husband, he walked to Sarah and put his hand around her shoulder.