Chapter 251 - Follow The Plan

"What do you want me to say? That my wife put a chip in my daughter, and it turns out that it's not a tracker as I thought it was... And that I rebuilt a robot that my wife made, and that she's taking over the game, and has taken control of the chip in my daughter's body? And that because of Cora my daughter killed two people? What else do you want me to say?" Connor asked. He was calm, but his words cut through the room like knives. Connor raised an eyebrow as he crossed his arms waiting for a reply.

"What do you mean by a chip in Vicky's body? Can someone please explain what's going on?" Pamela asked. She looked around the room.

"We need to know what we're fighting against, captain," Colton said.

The captain sighed, as he explained everything to the team. The room went silent after the captain finished explaining.

Everyone expected someone to say something, but no one did.

"So what's the plan?" Sarah asked, breaking the silence.