Chapter 272 - Worries

"No! I mean, a sweet, tough girl. You look and remind me so much of Eileen. She was just like you! I mean you'd know more about her than me," Pamela said. She smiled at Vicky, and hugged her.

Vicky hugged Pamela back.

"I'll let you rest a bit!" Vicky said. She smiled, and got up from the sofa, walking back to where she was.

"Can you train me to fight today?" Jessica asked, as soon as Vicky sat beside her.

Vicky looked at Jessica.

"No! Today is my day to rest. I'm going to sit on my bed, and do absolutely nothing!" Vicky replied.

Jessica pouted. Vicky smiled, and leaned back on the sofa, making herself comfortable.

After breakfast, Vicky walked back to her room. She noticed Connor sitting outside on a bench, under the shade. He looked deep in thought.

"What are you thinking about?" Vicky asked, walking towards Connor. She stood in front of him.

Connor looked up at his daughter.