Chapter 280 - Wake Up

"She's family," Matt said. He picked Vicky up, and kept her back on the passenger seat.

"You sure about that, and she's not just some..." Matt kicked Rick before he was able to complete his sentence. Rick passed out.

Matt took his guns, and got back into the car. He drove away from the alleyway.

The car pulled up outside Vicky's house. Matt looked at Vicky, and kept his hand in front of her nose. She was breathing normally. He got out of the car, and walked over to Vicky's side.

Matt carried Vicky into the house. He took her upstairs to her room, and laid her on the bed. He sighed, and walked to the desk. He leaned on the desk, and crossed his arms on his chest, looking at Vicky. 

Matt got bored of waiting. He looked around Vicky's room. He walked back to the desk, and opened the drawer. He saw three pistols. One was the revolver that Ryan gave Vicky.