Chapter 283 - Worst Sneaker

"Dad's hiding something, mom. I don't know what to do about it. I mean he does have a point when he says that he doesn't have to explain anything to me. But then I don't have to either, right mom?" Vicky asked. She stared at the ring, and sighed. "I am just talking to an inanimate object. Great work me. I am definitely losing my mind!"

Vicky closed her eyes to sleep. She woke up the next morning to a loud thud. She opened her eyes, and looked around.

She checked the time on her phone, it was six twenty five. Vicky rubbed her eyes, and sat up. She got out of bed, and walked to her drawer. She took her pistols, and walked towards the door.

Vicky pushed the door open, and walked discreetly to Connor's room. The door was closed. Vicky walked down the stairs. She saw the door partially opened. 

Vicky walked to the living room, and pointed her guns at a person standing in the living room.