Chapter 292 - A Gift Or A Curse?

She opened her gauntlet, and searched for her power, as the crashing plane got nearer, and nearer. Vicky looked at the plane, and her hands fumbled all over. She found the button for her power, but it was discoloured. 

Vicky looked up at the plane, as it was so close to her. She kept pressing the button on her gauntlet. The plane was so close to her. A few seconds, and it would crash into the place she was standing. 

Vicky ran to the side. It was too late for her to get far. The plane crashed into the place she was. It exploded, lifting Vicky to the air. She fell away from the plane, as it exploded a second time.

A few minutes passed while Vicky was still on the ground. A group of members from the red team walked towards the crash site. They walked over to the burning wreckage of the plane.

"Our plane was pretty good!" one of them said. They were a group of four players.

"He's a good pilot. A friend of mine," another one of the players said.