Chapter 296 - A Box Of Chocolates

Vicky logged out of the game. It was evening. She walked to her bed, and laid down on it. After a few minutes, she heard a knock on the door.

"Come in!" Vicky said. 

The door opened, and Connor walked in. He looked at her.

"How'd the game go?" Connor asked. He walked closer to her, and sat on the bed.

"It was fun, until I saw Ryan and Matt on our team," Vicky said. She slowly turned around on the bed, and kept a pillow beside Connor, and kept her head on it.

"Was it that bad?" Connor asked.

"They're both annoying. Ryan killed Rick, and Matt brought up what happened with Ryan yesterday, and they started fighting. I tried to help, and got stabbed by Matt's knife," Vicky said. She kept her face on the pillow almost smothering herself.

"How does Matt know what happened yesterday?" Connor asked. He held Vicky's head up, as she didn't raise it herself.

Vicky turned towards him, and closed her eyes.