Chapter 298 - A Box Of Chocolate (Part 3)

"Because she's different from the other three. And no one wants her to be…" Vicky stopped and drew a sad face on the little girl. She then drew happy faces on the rest of the three figures that were holding hands together.

In the picture, the little boy was in the middle of the two adults. He was holding both their hands.

"Vicky! What's going on here? Why don't you talk to the other children? You could make some new friends," Luna said.

"They're all younger than me," Vicky replied. She looked down and kept the crayons on the table.

"Just because they're younger than you it doesn't mean they can't be friends with you," Luna said. She held Vicky's hand, and continued, "Let's go talk to them!"

"No!" Vicky said, shaking her head sideways. Her hair covered her face. "They'll think I'm weird."

Luna pushed Vicky's hair off her face. She smiled, and raised Vicky's head to look at her.