Chapter 315 - Meeting Matt At Lunch

Connor stopped the car, and glanced at Vicky. He sighed when he saw that Vicky was waiting for a response.

"We'll talk about this later!" Connor said. He got out of the car, and closed the door, waiting for Vicky. 

Vicky sighed. She got out of the car, and followed her father to the restaurant. 

Connor showed Vicky an empty table. Vicky walked to the table, and sat down. She took her phone out, and sent her current location to Matt.

Connor looked at Vicky, and walked towards her. 

"Hey! What are you eating?" Connor asked.

Vicky shrugged her shoulders. She looked at Connor who was staring at her.

"Uhm! A burger… the usual. You know what I like," Vicky replied.

"Okay!" Connor said. He turned around, and walked back to the counter.

"Two chicken burgers!" Connor ordered. The man at the counter nodded, and shouted into the kitchen.

"Your daughter?" the man asked, motioning to Vicky.

"Yep!" Connor replied.